1. Back squats: 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 NO MISSES....pause 2 seconds in the bottom.
2. Deficit 3 pos clean deadlift: 3, 3, 3, 2: lift off to mid thigh…..mid thigh to down position….down position to high hang….reverse the order.  Bring the bar to 1/2″ of the ground on each lift.  Take bar down slowly, pausing at 1/2″ for a millisecond….repeat exercise.  Go by feel….no misses. Tough exercise.
3.  Dumbbell bench press: keep palms together and elbows in……10, 8, 6, 4.  be conservative here.

Work Capacity (5 Rounds. of 20 minutes):
-Min 1 = Tabata SDMH 75/45 (20 sec on / 10 sec off x 2).
-Min 2 = Tabata Push Press 75/45 (20 sec on / 10 sec off x 2).
-Min 3 = Max rep toes to bar (Kicker = when/if you drop off the bar, assume the plank position for the rest of the minute).
-Min 4 = Rest

2 Mile run @80-85% of 2mile run time.

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