Wednesday, 8 MAY 2013

Announcements - We are half-way through our final week together!  We are meeting in the 3rd floor weight room - please arrive as early as possible to claim space.

Equipment required - barbell and a partner

Warm-up and instruction - start with a light load on the power cleans and knock out a few reps to ensure your back, shoulders, and legs are warmed up.  Matt and I will walk around to ensure everyone is tracking on the proper form.

Partner WOD #3

5 Rounds for time

Person A - AMRAP 2 - 3 x power cleans (135/95), 6 x hand release push-ups, and 9 air squats
Person B - rest, cheer, and help count reps and rounds

After 2 minutes, switch roles and after each has done both, that's ONE round complete.  After 2 minutes your partner picks up where you left off (i.e. if you have done 3 rounds plus 2 hand-release push-ups when 2 minutes is up, your partner starts on push-up #3 and continues on).

Continue process for total of 5 rounds (20 minutes total - each person will do 5 sets of work (10 minutes) and have 5 periods of rest (10 minutes).

Compare to: 9 MAY 2012

NOTE:  Scale weight as needed.

Cash-out - head to the '62 Room with your partner and grab a medicine ball.
100 x weighted partner sit-ups (20/14) for time.

NOTE:  For the partner sit-ups, partners will sit facing each other, interlock feet, and then one person with the medicine ball on their chest does a standard weighted sit-up and then at the top they pass the medicine ball off to their partner and that is one rep.  The partner without the ball stays in the up position until their partner hands the ball off.

Post partner's name, total number rounds, and time for cash-out to comments.


Caleb McDaniel said...

R.K. and I got 31 rounds, and he got through 4 reps on the pushups. As Rx'd. For situps we got 3:31 with both of us doing a situp every time the ball was passed.

R.K. Barker said...

That was awesome! Absolutely loved that one this morning, a ton of fun. Can't wait for tomorrow...honestly, it was fun.

Adam said...

great to see a big group on a fun one!

RK - I agree!

Matt and I did it as rx'd with 30 rounds + 7 air squats (beat our effort last year by half a round).

3:33 for the cash-out with each doing a sit-up when ball was passed. shoulders were SMOKED while trying to hold the ball!

jck said...

Nels & I: 31 rds + 1 clean

sit ups: 2:33