Tuesday, 18 DECEMBER 2012

I hope TEEs are going well!

I am out of the loop this week and next (i.e. heading to Disney World!), so I figured I would be a big slacker on programming WODs and give you all a chance to choose your own adventure.

Each day this week I will provide the modalities that are to be worked and you get to 'create your own WOD.'  This does 2 important things for you:  1)  it lets you work on things that you feel like you need to work on and 2) it gives you a chance to learn to do some programming [and see how challenging it can be!]

The rules are as follows -

1)  Create your own WOD.  Write it down.  Do it.  Post WOD you created and your results.  No cheating...if you program it, you've gotta complete it!  Sometimes I program a WOD that I think will be 'easy' and then it is torturous...but I always do it!  You can obviously scale as needed if you realize you bit off more than you could chew, but try to keep it legit!

2)  Get ready for the 2012 edition of the Christmas Black and Gold CrossFit photo challenge!  Last year we had some strong entries from Mickey (shake weight with Santa hat!) and many others...so be sure to pack your B&G CF shirt or WOD for Warriors shirt with you for leave.  Snap an awesome picture of you getting after it doing anything the requires exertion of effort and then email me your picture(s): blackandgoldcrossfit@gmail.com  I will post all the pictures in time for the New Year and the winner gets a t-shirt!!!!  This contest is open to everyone who reads this blog and considers themselves a friend of B&G CF!  if you don't have a shirt, then send in your picture anyway and maybe you can WIN a shirt for next year's contest!!!

Tuesday's WOD:
WM  - this means create a WOD that combines weight lifting and a metcon.  Weight lifting is everything from wall ball shots, kettlebell swings, bench press, snatch, deadlift, etc. etc.  if it involves ADDED weight, then it can be considered "W".  Metcon is often called 'cardio' and the point is to fire up your heart rate!  Common examples include running (sprints, middle distance (1 mile - 5 km), or longer), jump rope, cycling, swimming, rowing, etc. etc. 

So, the mission for today is "WM" - be creative and I look forward to seeing your WODs this week!

Post WOD and results to comments.


Matt said...


I ran into Erin again this morning. I started with heavy overhead, then on to the following WOD.

5 x Squat Clean (135)
50 x Double-unders

5 rounds + 2 cleans

Mickey said...

w/ a 20# weight vest on:

Pull ups
ring dips (had to use my foot)
3xdouble unders (63,45,27)

Mickey said...

so yeah took that in a pretty different direction. it sucked.


R.K. Barker said...

I had planned on alternating between deadlifts and double unders, but the weight room was packed. So I did five sets of 20 double unders and then hit the weight room for 5 sets of 6 deadlifts at 205 pounds.

ErinM said...

Great to see MAJ Radik this morning! Looking forward to being back with the morning crew in January.

21-15-9 of thrusters (55 lb), each round followed by 25 double unders. The DUs weren't pretty, but at least I hit them all. 11:53.