WE WILL START THE WOD AT 0540, so show up on time, get settled and quickly warmed up, because this one is a doozy!
Donkey Kong WOD - AMRAP 30
Basic concept – much like the classic arcade game “Donkey Kong” this WOD will consist of running from floor to floor, completing obstacles along the way, with the ultimate goal of reaching the top and defeating Donkey Kong. Since we don’t have a 500 lb. gorilla and a princess to save, we will just do some functional movements along the way. In the allotted time you will complete as many levels of “Donkey Kong” as possible. We will be using both the Stairway to Heaven and the ‘far stairway.’ The ‘far stairway’ is the other set of stairs that you typically come down at the end of a gym loop.
Start point: Basement of Arvin at the base of the Stairway to Heaven. Complete 15 x burpee broad jumps and then sprint length of basement to far end of the basement to the far stairway (approximately 75 meters). Run upstairs to first floor.
First floor – sprint to ’62 room and complete 15 x wall ball shots (20/14) at 10’ target. Run to Stairway to Heaven, run upstairs to the second floor.
Second floor – sprint to Hayes Gym, go through the tire, run across balance beam, do front roll, climb over wall, complete monkey bars, and climb rope to higher platform. Exit out of Hayes and into the 3rd floor hallway.
Third floor – sprint to the 3rd floor weight room, grab 2 x dumbbells (30 lbs. +/- 10 lbs. based on ability and availability), knock out 15 x dumbbell thrusters, return weights to rack, and then exit weight room and sprint to Stairway to Heaven, run upstairs to 4th floor.
Fourth floor – run into the basketball courts, go right to the end of the gym with pull-up bars, knock out 15 x burpee pull-ups. Exit basketball courts, go right and run to the far stairwell. Go down to start point and repeat.
See diagram below.
Post number of rounds complete to comments and BEAT NAVY!!!
I have no idea what happened this morning. My alarm is on, but i have no recollection of it ever going off.
I got three rounds in, got to the base of Stairway to Heaven right as time expired. That was awful, but awesome!
Adam - Looks like a great WOD. Sorry I wasn't there with the crew to grind it out.
I tried a make-up session, but hayes was occupied. So I did an impromptu WOD instead:
100 Wall Balls(20Lbs.) for time: 4:33
followed by:
2 Rounds (30mins): 5min - Row, 5min - Bike, 5min Run
Got through two rounds and the wallballs on the third round. It was a good WOD and I would like to do it again sometime.
Boy was that tough, but man was it fun.
I finished 2 rds and got one burpee pull-up in my third. May be running faster would allowed me to get 3 rounds, or it would of killed me. We will never know.
Fun times, nearly passed out!
2 rounds + entering 3rd floor weight room when time expired.
I did 30 lbs. DBs for 1st round and then 20 lbs. DBs for 2nd round.
It was great to see a big crew there this morning! We will definitely have a rematch with Donkey Kong in the Spring!!!
I got 2 rounds and then 7 dumbbell thrusters. I started with 25lbs, 50lb barbell the second time because all the others were in use, and then ended on either 25 or 30. Probably 25...
Everything else was as RX'd.
Great WOD.
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