MONDAY (04 APR 16)


3/3 @ 55% (3 Snatches from below the knee, 3 from mid-thigh)
3/3 @ 62%
3/3 @ 69%
3/2 @ 75%
2/2 @ 80-85%


5 Rounds for time:

5 x Bar Muscle-Ups (or 10 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups or 15 Kipping / Butterfly Pull-ups).
14 x Step over lunge (95/65).

*Bar start on ground, step forward until trail knee touches ground, then return of full extension, this is 1 end up doing 7 each leg).

You should be able to do this on the new squat racks in the 3rd floor wight room.  If you do muscle-ups do them facing the weight room.  If doing C2B or kipping/butterfly, it should not matter.

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