Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Announcement: We will meet in the Cadet Pool of Arvin at 0530 (bring swim suit, goggles, flip flops, and towel).

WOD:  5 Rounds of:
- Swim as many lengths as possible in 3 minutes
- Rest 1 minute

**Note: # of completed lengths (25 yds = 1 length) for all 5 rounds will be your score to post in the comments.

Recommended Warm-Up:  Swim 75 yards, Bob and Travel 25 yards, Swim 75 yards, Bob and Travel 25 yards

Recommended Cool-Down: Swim 150-200 yards

1 comment:

jswobe said...

Holy crap, swimming wrecks me.

I only did 3-4 lengths per round.