Thursday, 6 June 2013

Announcement: Meet in front of Arvin at 0530 for the 800m Run warm-up.  Then move tot he 3rd Floor Weight Room.

WOD: 5 Rounds for Time:
- 3 Back Squats (225# / 150#)
- 6 Pull-Ups
- 9 Burpees

Recommended Warm-Up: Run 800m (2 laps around Comm's House), and then at least 5 minutes of mobility exercises and dynamic stretching.


Adam said...

had to modify today based on layout of equipment.

Back squat for load

5 x pull-ups
10 x push-ups
5 x overhead squat (95#)

6 rounds exactly

Unknown said...

conquered Fran for the first time, almost finished in 10 mins on my last set of pull ups I slipped and fell on my back, so that added about three mins. finished in 14:36.