Announcements - we will meet in the '62 Room, warm-up, and then get after it!
Equipment required - medicine ball, kettlebell, jump rope, and a 3 person team!
Warm-up and instruction - Matt and I will cover the points of performance for each movement and give everyone a chance to practice each.
WOD - Team Chipper (team of 3)
75 x Wall ball shots (20/14)
60 x Kettlebell swings (53/35)
45 x Shoulder touch push-ups (at the top position, touch your opposite shoulder with your hand; alternate hands)
30 x walking lunges (one step = one rep)
15 x handstand push-ups
10 x Wall Climbs
150 x double-unders (3:1 sub for single-unders)
NOTE: Only ONE person can work at a time while the other two people rest, cheer, and help keep track of reps/rounds.
NOTE2: If you only have a 2 person team, then subtract 1/3 of the reps from each exercise (so 2 people would do 50 x WBS, 40 x KBS, 30 x push-ups, etc.). if you are flying solo, then subtract 2/3s!
Post team members' names and number of rounds/partial rounds complete to comments.
That was fun. Teamed up with Adrienne and Tom, we got through two full rounds and 30 KB Swings. As R'xd. Jon, you missed a good one.
Matt and I went crazy and did the WOD as rx'd for a 3 person team. It was absolutely terrible and I nearly died!
2 rounds + 28 lunges
I was about 1 minute from heart failure... Jonathan, Caleb, Erin, and others...we needed you, but it was fun/tough WOD as a terrible two-some!
with Nels and Nate
2 rounds + 12 Handstand pushups
I am sorry that I wasnt there this morning. I have an AASLT obstacle course to conquer later today. I also found out just this morning that I have my AASLT APFT tomorrow moring at 0520. I am trying to reschedule mine, but I am not sure if that can happen. Hopefully I will see you all at South Dock tomorrow.
Sorry to have missed it! Combatives final first hour and late night = no Crossfit in the morning.
Did it this afternoon as a one man team and a 20 min AMRAP based on time constraints. Whoa, that was tough. Made it through almost 3 "1/3" rounds (25 WBS, 20 KBS...).
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Did this solo, and mod'd to:
25 x Wall ball shots
20 x Kettlebell swings
15 x Shoulder touch push-ups
10 x walking lunges
5 x pull-ups
3 x handstand push-ups
50 x double-unders
3 rounds + some WBS...
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