MONDAY (22 FEB 16)

-2-3 Min: Active
-3-4 Min: Stretching & Mobility

SKILL (Muscle-ups)

Spend 5-10 Minutes working on Muscle-up.

Bar:  If you do not have ring, practice bar muscle-ups.

Rings:  If you have access to rings, try strining 3-5 together.

Beginner:  Use rings in 62' & practice ring dips to max depth.

x Power Cleans (115/75)
x Push Press (115/75)
x Toes 2 Bar

1 comment:

Unknown said...

CPT Tiffany & I did this last week:
CPT T: 17:15
CPT O: 16:06

*Try to break up the push press as little as possible, if at all.