Friday, 27 February 2015

Open WOD...enjoy the extra sleep in time!


R.K. Barker said...

Open 15.1/15.1A
15 TTB
10 DL @ 115
5 Snatch (P) @ 115
3 rds + 9 DL, as Rx'd. Snatch was the limiting factor
6 min to find 1 RM C&J, 185, had three attempts at 205, couldn't get it locked out.

Alex Vinson said...

I did 15.1 scales because I don't can't do connected toes to bar, so I just scaled the whole thing.
15 min AMRAP
9 min
15 hanging knee raises
10 Deadlift @ 55#
5 ground to overhead 55#
6 min

5 rounds plus 2 GTO
125# C&J, I tried 130# but I couldn't get the jerk in time.
I was pretty happy with how it went, I just wish I had my TTB so I didn't have to do it scaled.