1. Conditioning (WOD from Chris Spealler)
100 Thrusters, 75/55
1000m Row
100 Thrusters, 75/55
1000m Row
2. Snatch
A. 5×2 Snatch Grip Push Press from behind the neck.
B. 5×1 High Hang Power Snatch
C. 3×2 Overhad Squat
D. Front Squat 2×10
A. 5×2 Snatch Grip Push Press from behind the neck.
B. 5×1 High Hang Power Snatch
C. 3×2 Overhad Squat
D. Front Squat 2×10
1) That was awful, absolutely awful. The thrusters took me 13:49, and total it took me 17:39.00 as Rx'd.
2) Used 45, 65, 75, 85, 95 for the behind the neck snatch grip push press.
Used 65, 75, 85, 95, 105 for the HHPS.
Used 65 for the OHS, was still coming up on my toes, even in Oly shoes.
Used 135 for the FS.
Did Grip Crusher, 3X10 @ 90.
60 pushups as prep for the APFT.
So today was a bastardized hybrid of B&G and Outlaw.
1. 100 thrusters, untimed, RX, 10x10 with <:30 in between. Took about 15 minutes
2. Hang squat clean (%1rm = 145#): 1x3 @ 50, 60, 70, 80%
3. Clean & Jerk @ 95#, 105#, and 115#. Tried 125# but failed.
4. Strict press from behind the head @ 60#
5. Walking weighted lunge with 35# DB, 5x the length of the weight room
I'm really tired.
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