Pearl Harbor Day - never forget the surprise attack that brought the US into WWII. If you have a family member who served in WWII, then post their name and service to comments!
Partner WOD - pair up and let's get after it!
Person A - run the entire Stairway to Heaven (run down to the basement, then up all the way to the top!)
Person B - 6 x wall climbs & 8 x deadlifts (225/165)
Once Person A returns, switch roles.
NOTE: The partner who is done first rests until the other finishes. (i.e. Person B rests until Person A returns from the Stairway to Heaven, or vice versa if A returns prior to B finishing the exercises)
NOTE2: The wall climb starts with chest and thighs on the ground with feet against the wall. Use your hands to propel your body back and up until you are in a handstand position - walk hands back out until chest and thighs are on the floor, that's one rep.
Post rounds complete, partner name, and any relatives who served in WWII to comments.
Robert H. Davis, SGT, Signal Corps, US Army. Italy Campaign, WWII. Died 18 Dec 2010
Milton C. Swedberg, MSG, Corps of Engineers, US Army. Battle of the Bulge Veteran. Still living and is amazing to talk to about WWII.
Great Grandfather Allen Almquist. Pilot in Army Air Corps.
random urinalysis.. spent the morning waiting in a line outside the study room.
sorry everyone.
Sweddy and Mickey - you guys are motivated and posted even prior to 7 DEC!
Mickey, sorry about the whiz quiz, you missed an awesome one.
As for the WOD, I was partnered with Matt and we did exactly 5.5 rounds as rx'd. (I did 6 rounds of stairs and 5 rounds of WC/DL, and Matt did 5 rounds of stairs and 6 rounds of WC/DL).
That was a tough one after round 2.
As for family in WWII:
Eston McCullough (grandfather), served as a ship to shore signal person in the Coast Guard.
Paul Grim (grandfather), served as a pilot in the Army Air Corps.
Both survived the war, but have long since passed.
I don't have any close relatives who surved in WWII.
Adam already posted our results. This WOD was relentless. It punished the weak, and made strong men weep. Great programing. After yesterday's thrusters and today's beating, my legs are tender to say the least.
So...had to mod this a little (since I have no decent set of stairs on APG):
60m run
15 box jumps
60m run
6 x wall climbs
8 x deadlifts (65 lbs -- rehab'ing my back...)
4.5 rounds complete
**wall climbs are awesome, but I spent a lot of time on my face, feeling sorry for myself...
My wife's grandfather (William Liuzza) was a radio operator for the Army Air Corp in northern Africa. He's 90 now, and doesn't tell many stories anymore...but the ones he did tell me were quite amazing.
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
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