Wednesday, 09/01/10

3 rounds for time:Gym loop (400m run)
21 x kettlebell swings (53lb / 35lb)
12 x pull-ups
Compare to 4/20/103/2/10, and 1/22/10

Post time to comments.

Here is a link to a video on the kettlebell swing [wmv] [mov]
Here is a new video on butterfly pull-ups for those of you interested.

Tuesday, 08/31/10

50 Deadlift (225lb/185lb)
1.2 mile run

NOTE: This is A LOT of deadlifting.  Make sure you keep consistent form as your get tired so avoid shifting too much of the load from your legs to your back.

Remember to bring your reflective belts to run outside. 
The run course will be as follows:
Come out the corner entrance from Arvin gym
Run into north area and exit the area between Mac Short and Mac Long
Run down Jefferson Road (in front of Quarters 100) and turn right onto Washington Road
Run down Washington Road to Kosciuszko's Monument
Touch the monument and return via the reverse route

Post time to comments

Compare to 5/14/10

Monday, 08/30/10


For time:
150 Wall Ball Shots (20lb / 12lb)

Compare to 3/25/10

Post time to comments

Check out the video and make sure you have an understanding of the proper technique and points of performance before beginning.

Friday, 08/27/10

7 medicine ball cleans
7 burpees

Pair up for this one.  One partner will coach, encourage, and count rounds.  The other partner will work, sweat, and cry.  After ten minutes, switch roles.

Thursday, 08/26/10

This is the new Black & Gold CrossFit shirt.
Keep your eyes out for ordering information.
For time:
Run 5k

Route: Start between the Comm's and Dean's houses. Run out to Lee Gate and back.

Compare to: 04/13/10

Bonus round:
50 x Push up
50 x Pull up
50 x Sit up

Post time(s) to comments

Wednesday, 08/25/10

NOTE: We adjusted slightly this morning.  Here is the updated WOD:

"The Hayes 20 minute Haze"
Start in the '62 CrossFit Room
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Toes to bars
Run up to the lower level of Hayes Gym and enter by the IOCT shelf
Climb rope to second floor
Run 1 lap around track
Go out the track exit closest to the ropes, down stairs, and back into the '62 room

Post number of rounds completed in comments.

Tuesday, 08/24/10

10 Thrusters (135/95)*
50 Double unders**
8 Thrusters (135/95)
40 Double unders
6 Thrusters (135/95)
30 Double unders
4 Thrusters (135/95)
20 Double unders
2 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Double unders

*Scale your weight as necessary.  You should be able to make it through your first set of thrusters unbroken.  If you are not able to then you are using too much weight.

**If you are unable to do double unders, substitute single unders in a 4:1 ratio (four singles for one double).  If you do not have a jump rope available, substitute tuck jumps for double unders.

Post time to comments

Monday, 08/23/10

Ten rounds for time of:
10 pull-ups
10 burpees

Post time to comments

Saturday, 08/21/10 - Sunday, 08/22/10

Rest Days!  Congratulations on making it through the first week of classes. 

Enjoy ring weekend!

Friday, 08/20/10

A little pre-sun fun at the River Courts!
CrossFit Friday!

We will meet at 0530 at the River Courts.  Bring a friend on down for an awesome Friday morning workout.

Firsties, come on down and earn the right to don that crass mass of brass and glass!

"Sprinting Cindy"
AMRAP  20 (as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes)
2 Rounds of Cindy*
200 m run

*Cindy is a CrossFit benchmark WOD.  One round consists of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats [wmv] [mov]

Thursday, 08/19/10

"Democratic Lifting"
One of the beautiful things about living in a democracy is that you are the right to make choices. Today you get to choose which lift you want to work. Your two options are listed below:
For weight:

Bench press 10-5-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps


Overhead squat 10-5-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps

The Overhead Squat from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

Post choice of lift and load for each set to comments.

If you want extra credit then do both lifts.

Wednesday, 08/18/10

Four rounds for time:
4 Muscle ups
30 Double unders

*Run route: Depart Arvin from the southeast corner entrance.  Run into north area directly to Corregidor sallyport.  Pass through Corregidor sally port and proceed to Washington Monument.  From Washington monument turn left and continue along the plane side of MacArthur Barracks.  Pass through Inchon sally port and the continue directly back into Arvin.  This is roughly a 0.3 mile (500 meter) run.

If you are unable to do a muscle up substitute 12 modified muscle ups (from your knees assisting with your legs) or substitue 12 pull-ups and 12 dips each round.

If you are unable to do double unders, substitute single unders in a 4:1 ratio (four singles for one double).

If you do not have a jump rope available, substitute tuck jumps for double unders.

Tuesday, 08/17/10

Front squat: Max weight for 5 reps
Strict pull-ups: Max reps
Front squat: Max weight for 3 reps
Strict pull-ups: Max reps
Front squat: Max weight for 1 rep
Strict pull-ups: Max reps

Front Squats from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

Rest as necessary between sets.

As you warm up, try to find a weight that will be your 5 rep max.  From there, increase the weight for each round of front squats.

Post weights and pull-up reps to comments.

Monday, 08/16/10

We will meet as normal in the Class of '62 CrossFit room.  Once you warm up you can move out to the cardio room for the WOD:

"Tabata Treadmill"

Do 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at a 0-30 second slower pace per mile than your best 5k pace.  Do not reduce the speed once you start the workout.

Note: this is a short WOD.  Once you start running, you are done 4 minutes later.  Don't let that fool you though, it is a smoker for sure!

Here is a WOD demo [wmv] [mov]

Saturday, 08/14/10 - Sunday, 08/15/10

Rest Days

Welcome to the Corps Class of 2014!

Friday, 08/13/10

For Friday the 13th we will call this "Freddy's Funhouse"
For time:
Run 1 mile (or 1.14 miles)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Kettlebell swing (53lb/35lb)
Box jump (24"/20")
Run 1 mile (or 1.14 miles)

Remember to bring your reflective belts to run outside. 
The run course will be as follows:
Come out the corner entrance from Arvin gym
Run into north area and exit the area between Mac Short and Mac Long
Run down Jefferson Road (in front of Quarters 100) and turn right onto Washington Road
Run down Washington Road to Kosciuszko's Monument
Touch the monument and return via the reverse route

Post time to comments.

Thursday, 08/12/10

Cadets will be on a brigade run in the morning.  Have a great time and try to make it into the gym later to knock out the WOD.

Gymnastics Skills Day
Pick one of the following gymnastics skills and work on your form/technique for 30 minutes:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Free standing handstand

AFTER your 30 minutes of technique work, complete the following:
Max rep pull-ups
Max rep ring dips

Post reps for pull-ups and ring dips to comments.

Wednesday, 08/11/10

AMRAP 20 minutes
10 Overhead squats (95/65)
10 Box jumps (24/20)
10 Knees-to-elbows
Run gym loop

Post rounds completed and partial rounds completed to comments.

Tuesday, 08/10/10

For time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps of

Compare to 11/04/09

Please bring your jump rope if you have one.  We will share for additional rounds but there are very few laying around the gym at this point.

Monday, 08/09/10

Welcome back to USMA.  We have no idea how many people will be joining us in the morning during REOGRY Week.  As a result, we are listing two WODs for today.  Depending on the size of the group we will either select one WOD during the morning or break off into two groups.

Clean and jerk 135 lbs.  30 reps for time.

Post time to comments.

7 Medicine Ball Clean (20lb/14lb)
14 Kettlebell Swings (53lb/35/lb)

Post number of rounds to comments.

Saturday, 08/07/10 - Sunday, 08/08/10

Rest days!  Enjoy them and do some stretching to get you ready for REOGRY Week.

Friday, 08/06/2010

"Row Fran Row"
For time:
Row 500m
21-15-9 reps of
Thrusters (95lb/65lb)
Row 500m

Post time to comments.

REMEMBERScaling is not for the weak, it is for the powerful! You produce much more power (Force x Distance / Time) when you keep the bar moving. Therefore, PLEASE choose a weight that you can keep moving rather than tring to be a hero and ultimately taking 20-25 minutes to get through it because you spend more time starting at the bar than you do actually lifting it.  I guarantee that you will see better results with this method.

Thursday, 08/05/10

For weight:
Snatch 3 sets of 3 rep.  Reps should be touch and go with no rest between reps.  Adjust weight accordingly.


For time: 
"Dark and Stormy" from CrossFit New England
25 Deadlifts (225, 135)
50 Pull-Ups
25 Deadlifts (225, 135)

Post snatch weight and "Dark and Stormy" time to comments.

Wednesday, 08/04/10

Meet at Shea Stadium for this one...

For 20 minutes:
Run 400 meters
Rest precisely the time of the previous run

Post number of 400 meter runs complete to comments.

Tuesday, 08/03/10

5 Rounds for time
9 Deadlift (95#) [wmv] [mov]
6 Hang Power Clean (95#) [wmv] [mov]
3 Push Press (95#) [wmv] [mov]
Run 500m (Supt/Comm loop)

Scale weight up or down as necessary.

Post time to comments.

Monday, 08/02/10

For time:
21 Ring Dips
18 Squats
15 Ring Dips
30 Squats
9 Ring Dips
42 Squats 


Tabata push-ups

Rest as necessary between the timed portion of the WOD and the Tabata push-ups.

Post time and Tabata score to comments.