Tuesday, 20 January 2014

meet at 0530 in the cardio room:

1. Conditioning
5min Row, 2:30 rest
4 min Row, 2:00 rest
3 min Row, 1:30 rest
2 min Row, 1 min rest
1 min Row
2. 20-Rep Benchmark
20 Muscle ups for time (or progressions for time)
3. Conditioning
Teams of 2
30 Lateral Barbell Burpees
30 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
30 Power Cleans*

*Power Clean weight increases each round.

Round 1 – 135/95
Round 2 – 155/105
Round 3 – 185/135
Round 4 – 205/145
Round 5 – AMRAP at 225/155


R.K. Barker said...

5 minute row: 1240. 4 minute row: 1020. 3 minute row: 755. 2 minute row: 530. 1 minute row: 290. Couldn't do the rest due to mando breakfast. I'll make up Monday's on Thursday morning.

Alex Vinson said...

Did the row and some clean and jerks this morning (PR'd my clean and jerk at 125#), Outlaw in the afternoon.

1) Clean and Jerk (%1rm c&j = 125#) = 1x3@60,70,80,85%

2) Snatch balance (%1rm sn = 85#) = 1x3@60,70,80,85%

3) Front Squat (%1rm fs = 155#) = 1x3@60,70,80,85%