Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Meet at 0530 in the 3rd Floor Weight Room...

Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)
Strict Pull Ups 3 x max reps


Complete 6 rounds for time:

50 yard Farmer’s Walk
Sprint 1/2 Gasser (100 yds)

*Go as heavy as possible for Farmer’s Walk
*Start by walking 50 yards for farmers walk, set weight down and sprint 1/2 gasser. Repeat.
Post times and loads used to comments.


Unknown said...

Deadlift 165
3 sets of 4 pull-ups

Conditioning 11:46

Adrienne said...

Deadlift: 175#
Pullups: 3, 1, 1 (did pullups yesterday so mine were no bueno today)

Conditioning: 11:46
Used 25# plates
Incorporated some rest by walking back to the weights after the sprint

Alex Vinson said...

Deadlift: 185#
Pullups: 3,3,2

I didn't time the conditioning. Used 35# dumbbells, which got really heavy really fast. My grip strength is shot right now.

R.K. Barker said...

Deadlift: 245.
Pull ups: 10, 6,7

Used 25# plates in a pinch grip, didn't time the sprints.

Unknown said...

Deadlift: 175#

Pullups: 5, 4, 4 assisted

25# plates, pinch grip for conditioning

Unknown said...

1. DL: 305
2. Pullups: 22, 13, 10
3. Didn't get time
4. EMOMx10 2xHSPU
5. 5x5x52.5 Pullups + 5
6. 5x5x77.5 Dips + 10