Friday, 3 October 2014

Friday: Meet in the 3rd Floor Weight Room


Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

Complete 9 rounds for time:

Deadlifts @ 5 RM from last Tuesday – 3 reps
Handstand Push Ups – 5 reps

Post times to comments.


R.K. Barker said...

Used 137.5 for the Power Cleans and 210 for the deadlifts. Did the HSPU off a tall box. That was fun, 6:58.5

Alex Vinson said...

Power Clean: 95#

WOD: 6:13
135# Deadlift
Scaled HSPUs off a box

Sorry I was kinda grumpy, it was a late night.

Adrienne said...

Power clean: 75# (I'm behind a couple weeks)

WOD: 6:08
135# deadlift
scaled HSPUs