For Time:
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead* - 15 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 12 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 9 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 6 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 3 reps
Gym Loop
*Plate Floor to Overhead: lie 45lb (25lb)bumper plate flat on the floor, and lift to extended overhead
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Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead* - 15 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 12 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 9 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 6 reps
Gym Loop
45 lb (25lb) Plate Floor to Overhead - 3 reps
Gym Loop
*Plate Floor to Overhead: lie 45lb (25lb)bumper plate flat on the floor, and lift to extended overhead
Post time to comments.
11:13 and a bad case of Arvin lung
It hurts to breathe.
Congratulations Gregg. Today was your day.
I got destroyed by the gym loops. The first three went well, but I hit the wall hard on loop number 4. Never recovered.
Wow, the time did not feel that bad until I cam to post it. Nice work out there!
10:19. Cup of coffee before the WOD made a difference, I guess.
.25 mile on treadmill, 3% grade
Been awhile since I've had that burn in my lungs! I felt really slow on the runs.
12:09, gym loops suck!
15:01. Guess that's what happens after losing 2/3 of the last month's workouts to a stomach virus and follow-on respiratory illness. Nice WOD, though.
gym loop = death
I felt Hayes lung-like symptoms during swimming class today. Gotta love running indoors.
Don't know why, but all the doors in arvin were clased this afternoon. Made for a fun gym loop.
11:26...not a bad time after 8 hours of skiing today. woo!
Instead of running 400M I Rowed each time for 400M for a time of 13:31
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