Monday 11/16/09

5 rounds for time of:

15 x Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (75lb / 45lb)
50 x Double Unders (sub 5:1 singles or 20 Tuck Jumps)
10 x Pull Ups

Post time to comments.


Chris said...

16:51 as Rx'd

Vanilla Gorilla said...

10:43 with tuck jumps.

My shoulders are gone

Anonymous said...

11:19. Somebody was having a Monday today...ths.

JWhips said...

13:50 as Rx'd

The DUs were too much for me. The first round went fine and I got all 50, but after that my forearms were shot.
If your forearms are tight, don't worry, we'll streatch them out tomorrow :)

Just so you know, the goal for this was to be around 12 minutes. I guess DU endurance was a HUGE factor.

AJ said...

17:49 Did 30 DU's and 100 regular jump ropes.

Gregg said...

11:14, tuck jumps

Anonymous said...

Should have mentioned, in case anyone mistakes me for the DU master, I did tuck jumps.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

14:29 as Rx'd

Agree with JWhips...after the first round my forearms and grip were shot. Even had a hard time with the pull ups because of it. Good workout, almost saw Pukie.

SB said...

23:08...damn you DUs!
should have gone with tuck jumps.

NM said...

14:34 as Rx'd...DU's tore me up too.

JWM said...

18:41 as Rx'd

DUs ate my lunch but I am getting better with them. I strung 11 together which is a PR.

Unknown said...

17:41 as rx'd

Jimmy said...

Rough. 17.31. liked the Tuck jumps-really increase Heart rate. Had to do hanging sumo dls b/c of groin pull. Still trying to figure out how to rehad owies while still getting a good WOD in w/out reaggravating them. Also, still recovering from this weekend's grappling tournament. Body hurts but it always feels better after a work out.

JJ said...

11:18 with DUs and Tuck Jumps. Strung together 25, 10, 5, 2, 2 DU's before moving on to Tuck Jumps to keep the pace. Definitely need to continue working on DU's

LDO said...


subbed tuck unders.

Need to work on DUs... probably will integrate into my warmup.

Chris M said...

I can't do a DU to save my life!
That WOD was a smoker with a 5:1 ratio on the DUs!!

MikeRothenb said...

wow, really felt like just collapsing at round 4.
great workout.

Sodak said...

20:40 as rx'd

DUs.. I'll get them yet.

Stroh's Lite said...

20:26 as rx'd pure pain getting through DU's. Only the first set was 50 straight. All the rest unravelled into sets of far fewer.

Ryan said...

First timer. 28:13. did 5:1 and it took longer than i would want. First time doing a crossfit workout. Def not the last

Ryan said...

First time for comment and WOD.

28:13 with 5:1 jump rope. Can't do DU yet but not giving up.