95lb Suck
For time.
21-18-15-12-9 reps of:
95lb Dead lift
95lb Hang power clean
95lb Front squat
95lb Push jerk
Post time to comments.
For this workout you will do it Fran style...do 21 Dead lifts, 21 HPC, 21 Front Squats, 21 PJ, 18 DL etc... Keep working on the same bar. We'll do two groups for this and a third if needed. MAJ Richards will lead a quick demo to make sure everyone is tracking the movements at 0535. First group goes at 0550, make sure you warm up.
Great video on the CF community on the main site. Click here to watch.
For those of you new to the group, we use this site as an online log book. If you are not posting, you are missing some of the most important aspects of CF. One, it is a chance for all of us to see how we are doing. By this I don't mean you are checking out how you are doing in regard to the others, CF is a very individual journey, but it does hold you accountable. You know when you post whether or not you had any gas left in your tank, if you might have cheated a rep, or if you completely sold out and left it all in the gym. It also allows you to go back and have measurable reference to your work capacity. Shaving 5 seconds off a time is a big deal, hitting personal records (PR) is a big deal, we all should celebrate the successes of the group. Seeing folks get PRs no matter what they are is a far greater achievement for me and the other trainers than any of our own PRs. (Although we still enjoy getting them) So anyway, a lot of words to say post your numbers. You'll be glad you did. With that... here are the posts from the last time we did this on 4/7/09.
18:55 (scaled reps & weight)due to time available
21 @ 85#
15 @ 65# (should've gone higher)
9 @ 75#
Real fight to get out of bed this morning.
Thanks for the push everyone.
17:29(PR)as Rx'd Great group this morning. Saw some really inspriring performances. Going to dial it down just a bit tomorrow and work on some skills.
19:59 as Rx'd. This was my first time with this WOD. Great work out and a great group this morning.
18:13. 95lbs for 21 and 18, then scaled down to 65lbs for 15, 12, 9. A little dissapointed that I had to scale this time (didn't last time), but I tried to up the intensity to compensate. It's coming back to me...
Great turnout this morning! Also, some real improvement in techniques and form. Hopefully we're not giving too much advice while you guys are in the zone, but I was completely impressed by how hard guys were working to improve themselves. Awesome!
18:46 as rx'd.
Great WOD to come back to--Also the first time I've done this one.
22:30 as Rx'd. Lots of work to do. Not much left in the tank and it is only Wednesday!
30:11 R'xd, need to get faster.
CDT world, I made a mistake. I came in late, then I didn't finish the workout in time, so I missed formation, I set a bad example, don't be that guy like me.
did 21-15-9 due to time
21 @ 95 lbs
15 @ 65 lbs
9 @ 65 lbs
Probably could have kept it at 95lbs, but im still getting used to the technique.
17:21 as Rx'd. In my wheelhouse. If there had been a run in there, it would have significantly slowed me down. The cardio is just not back yet.
Great turnout for this WOD!
29.53 rx'd for women. Along with some nice bruises on my collar bone. Good work out
26:53 as rx'd at the MWR gym. Did this WOD on my own and probably could've cut 2 minutes off with competition/external motivation.Great WOD.
19:15. Awesome to see so many out this morning...pretty motivating.
Did it on my own....should have just gotten out of bed earlier and done it with everyone else
26:49 as rx'd
I agree with Stroh's on the external motivation bit. Awful WOD to do alone. I was really disappointed with my improvement (only 1 minute).
19:17 as Rx'd
Man, what a turnout!
Had Company PT this morning so I had to go later.
Worst 18:03 of my life
15:38 as Rx'd, my push jerks weren't that clean and my front squats weren't below 90, but I rucked for an hour prior to this with an 80lbs pack so I will cut myself some slack. great workout though, it was pretty challenging and fun
26:25 (PR) scaled to 65lbs since that was my previous wgt from March. increased by over 9 mins.
26:54 not as Rx'd...For the last 2 rounds I did back squats instead of front squats...I didn't do this workout the last time as I decided to do a run instead
21:24 as rx'd
not easy by any means. I wouldve had far less "fun" late into the night last night if I knew how much fun that would be
21:17 as Rx'd.
Did this one yesterday with Chris C at Benning's new gym. Did 20:55. This is quite a bit slower than my previous time at WP. I did the full squat cleans though, which adds a bit more stimulus than the standard hang clean.
I see why they call this the 95lb suck. It really did suck. 34:12
21 deadlift 95lbs, then scaled down to 85, then 75, and finally 65. My shoulders still hurt. Can I take tomorrow off, lol
Did it after a long hot day at Benning and combatives. Rather poor performance.
Did the Linda workout with chrisV today. 27min and had much better form on my cleans.
23 minutes (and change)
21-15-9 w/ 95#
will go for the full set next time.
had problems with forearm fatigue, especially on the front squats.
avg hr: 156
29:14 as Rx'd
16:41. Shouldn't have broken the sets of front squats.
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