First let me say, great group on Monday morning, close to 100 people. I think it surprised all of us. CrossFit is a great program and the good news is that it is spreading. Additionally, it means that we are going to have to expand. Expand our hours and class times and expand our programming to include a bigger group and different experience levels. More to follow on all of this but I am going to need some cadet help to make this happen. Shoot me an email if you want to be a part of this and we'll all have a sit down at some point.
Good news is that we are adaptable so here we go big group or not...
When you get to the gym start warming up. See the link above this post for the "official" CrossFit Warm up. Briefing of standards will be at 0540 and we will SP at 0545. Come with a partner or get one when you get there. This will sort of be a team event but with very individual efforts. Push each other and hold each other accountable to the standards briefed.
For time.
Run 1000m (2 x loops around the Superintendent's/Commandant's Houses)
30 reps of each of the following exercises:
Kettle bell swings (53lb/35lb)
Push Press (75lb/45lb)
Knees to Elbows
100 squats.
1 person from each two person team will do this from start to finish, then the second person will go. If you are first in the chute, your partner will count for you and keep track of your time, then upon the completion of the 100 squats your partner will go and you will count for them. We will have a running clock on the wall from the first 3, 2, 1, go so keep each others score/time. Additionally we will split the groups into four equal groups so upon completion of the run 1 group will go to KBS, one to push press, one to KTE etc... you will complete 30 reps of them all though in that order depending on where you start before doing the 100 squats. If there are questions, I will address them in the morning. See you then.
KTE and Squats broke me.
did KB push press instead of bar
my legs are screaming after the ending squats
Great WOD!!! Good job managing the traffic this morning.
16:28. Great first WOD for Mike O! Now keep it up...
Legs are whipped...hope to see everyone again tomorrow.
KTE-- goat for sure.
First time actually using KBs so stuck with Russians.
Thanks to all the officers for the final push through the squats
My legs are definitely hurting after that one.
Good and intense workout.
Was proud of myself to push through the ending squats without stopping but now my legs are dead, haha.
Avg hr: 160. Felt pretty good today. Used a 55# DB in place of KB. Ran the FMWR loop twice.
Great WOD, and yes, my legs hurt too. 29:49 as Rx'd
19:35 as Rx'd
Great WOD!
16:11, need to get full extension on the squats and my knees higher on knees to elbow.
I think that altitude has a greater effect on these longer WODs. Maybe I am just making excuses. The run was 10x100m course making a turn at each end. This definitely broke my stride.
lost it on the push press
1800. Got to get better. Going to take it one day at a time.
15:40 I think I overestimated the run a bit
It was tough forgot to jump on the burpees.
I felt like I cheated on the squats though. By the end of the squats I know I wasn't going 90 degrees.
15:42...felt great on the knees to elbows. Maintained good form on everything, burpees might not have been the best though.
AL, next time you do squats, put a medicine ball under you and touch it on every rep with your butt. This is an easy way to make sure you are breaking parallel on your squats.
13:34 ... should have been faster, screwed up number of squats...
13:44...sorry for the late post.
15:45. Knees to elbows killed me.
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