Wednesday 6/17/09

For time.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

Power clean (155lb/115)
Chest to bar pull up
Kettle bell swing (53lb/35lb)

Post time to comments.

This was a regional qualifier workout and a last chance workout. You will see how you stack up against the elite CrossFitters with your time. Humbling but fun.


Unknown said...

I am going to have to pass today. I am having gum graft surgery. Probably hurt myself more if I tried to push it the day of.


Unknown said...

155 for set of 10, 135 for remaining sets
Great turn out this morning!

RW said...

17:50 as rxd

NM said...

20:48 as rx'd

2LT Brian P.Smith said...

21:48 at 135#. became a mental game at around 6 reps. getting way better at pull-ups (finally). Wonder why my long lost roomate (volkman) hasn't posted.

Chris said...

Had to modify this a bit:

135 for the cleans
Dips instead of pullups (no sufficient pullup bar)
55 LB dumbbell swings


SB said...

18:19 scaled power cleans to 95lbs

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

22:43. Really hard! Going to be a late night post for tomorrow's WOD since I have limited connectivity.

Sodak said...


85 for the power clean
and 23 I think for the kettle bar.

Good stuff.

Anonymous said...


scaled the cleans to 135lb

Anonymous said...

22:08 as Rx'ed

Jimmy said...

24:23 rx'd to 115#. I think I had a personal HR best of 186 on this one.

Anonymous said...

22:49 with 135 cleans. Still brutal