Thursday 6/18/09

For time.

25 x Body weight dead lift
200m run
25 x 45lb Thruster
200m run
25 x 45lb Front squat
200m run
25 x 45lb Push press
200m run

Post time to comments.


Anonymous said...


BW 155-160lbs
DL 160lbs

RW said...


D/L = 190

Unknown said...

BW = 195
DL = 185


Black and Gold CrossFit said...

6:18...good workout and good crew. Always good to have a short gut check on a Thursday.

SB said...

DL = 155lbs

THS today! not happy with my effort. I worked some box squats afterwards.

NM said...


DL= 175

Anonymous said...

Did yesterday's today, then rested 10 minutes, and started this one...I did the DLs, ran, then quit...too smoked to finish...will do this one at some point this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I did the CFE WOD from Monday this afternoon.

20sec on 10sec off for 3000m on C2

Then I went for 1RM on full cleans:
185lbs (PR by 20lbs)

I was able to clean 190 and 195, but got stuck in the bottom of the squat. Frustrating.

Vanilla Gorilla said...

Great to be back with the crew this morning. I used the wall clock not the best idea from across the room.

7:50 (I think)

BW: 155
DL: 175 (Couldn't coun this morning)

Anonymous said...

