95lb Tabata Suck
8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest for a total of 4 minutes of each of the following exercises:
95lb Dead lift
95lb Clean
95lb Snatch
95lb Push press
Women's as Rx'd weight is 65lb. The cleans and snatches are both full, meaning squat cleans and squat snatches.
Post total number of reps to comments.
Total Reps = 200ish (+/- 2 or 3 reps)
195 total reps.
Low for each was
Great workout and even better group. Anyone up for some more squats tomorrow?
did this exercise yesterday off of the Crossfit Queens website:
WOD 9036 – A little “bear” complex
1 round of the following variation of the “bear” complex every minute for 20 minutes
5 Dead lifts
5 Hanging power cleans
5 Thrusters
Use a weight equal to 25-%- 45% of your body weight, scale as needed.
lots of fun and alot of suck. off to do today's wod in a few
157 total reps as rx'd
Total reps = 185, though my snatches were terrible.
Yeah, great group this AM...look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
wish i would have been with the group for this one.
Tabata alone is not the preferred method.
Ended up doing the following:
95lbs DL tabata
65lbs snatch (as many reps in 4 min)
95lbs clean (as many reps in 4 min)
65 lbs push press (as many reps in 4 min)
Lost track of # of reps.
Total Reps = 116...bad case of THS on my part. Snatch is a new member of my goat list. I have to agree with SB, Tabata alone ain't fun.
Well that lived up to its name! I don't know who or what Tabata is but it sucked.
Low for each -
95 DL - 10
65 Snatch - 5
65 Clean - 5
65 PP - 5
Could not get to the gym today. Ran 5k this morning up by ski slope instead. Will have to get today's workout done tomorrow.
Finished 5k in around 24 minutes.
185 total reps.
I think I scaled something but I don't remember....posting from a while ago. Either way I remembered it hurt.
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