Tuesday 6/9/09


As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:

5 x Handstand push up
10 x Pistol (one legged squat)
15 x Pull up

Post number of rounds to comments.


SB said...

8 rnds and 5xHSPUs
(used green band for HSPUs plus 45lbs plates for added ROM)
1st time w/ Mary....she was tough but fair.

DanH said...

rx'd - 8 rounds

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

10 rounds, 5 HSPU, 10 pistols, 9 pullups (PR) Haven't done this one in a long time and forgot how much your legs hurt by the end.

Good group in there this morning...let's keep it going.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

9 rounds, 5 hspu, 10 pistols

Anonymous said...

rx'd - 8 rounds

My ROM was awful on the HSPUs

Chris said...

8 rounds + 5 HSPU, 10 pistols, 5 Pullups

RW said...

Was out at Buckner today so I did the following -

Run from Camp Natural Bridge to Bull Hill LZ for time. This is a shorter / steeper version of the South Dock to Stony run.

11:58 to the top.

Kings said...

Good workout. Finished a full 9 rounds and started on 10 when 20 minutes hit.

NM said...

8 rds and one terrible HSPU. Lots of work to do on HSPUs when fatigued.

dkeys said...

Pulled a variation of Monday's WOD with 4x4x8 landscape timbers with double-unders inbetween...then stadiums with my dad

Anonymous said...

did 15-20 pushups instead of hand stand Pu's..still working on those. That being said I don't remember how many rounds I did. Fairly worthless post this is.