As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of:
7 x Med ball cleans (20/12)
7 x Pull ups
50m run.
All med ball cleans are squat cleans, pull ups are chest to bar.
50m run is long ways on the black mats down and back twice touch grey on each side.
Post number of rounds to comments.
It might be a good idea to have a buddy coach you through this one to count your reps and (more importantly) make sure you're getting full ROM and proper form. Like Chris said in his post yesterday, the importance of movement standards was really stressed to us this past weekend at the Qualifier and was something we wanted to bring back here.
Just a suggestion, though. Take it as you will.
8 rnds as rx'd
good wod...i like the chest to bar stimulus. did your WOD go?
6 rounds this morning
those chest-to-bar pull-ups are a beast
7 rounds + pull-ups on the 8th
Did an APFT this morning, but I did it as a for time WOD. I used the 300 pt minimums for my age as the rep # for each event (wish I would have set this a little higher in retrospect). So the WOD looked like
1 round for time:
75 push-ups
77 sit-ups
2 mile run
Time = 15:26
I was surprised the effect the first two events had on my 2 mile run time which was about a minute slow. But overall this was an interesting way to take the test.
Then did todays black and gold WOD
8 rds (forgot to do chest to bar pull-ups on first 2 rds)
7 rnds as rx'd with BHaley judging
Lost count, but I was a round behind Brian. I was sucking this morning.
7 rnds + PU's and 1 clean, totally underestimated the difficulty of this one, thanks for keeping me straight, Dan.
Took APFT this morning with MAJ Wylie, but I was not allowed to run immediately following the push up, sit up. So my WOD looked like this.
For time.
75 x push up
77 x sit up
rest 10 minutes then,
For time.
Run 2 miles
Did this mornings WOD after at Gillis, 8 rounds but I forgot about chest to bar on the first round. This has got to become the new standard.
Here is the deal with CTB pull ups, and squat cleans. I can already hear some grumblings about this so let's have some dialouge. Let's take Fran for example. I currently have about a 4 min Fran. Not elite by any means but I feel pretty solid. If I were to do chest to bar pull ups, I can promise that time would go up. So what does that mean? Am I getting better or worse? The truth is, it is hard to gauge. Each workout has base line data (where you started) If you have never done a workout that way then it is hard to judge. So don't compare a CTB Fran with a non CTB Fran. If you want to see if you got better you have to operate in the same conditions. Grace is another example, I have done Grace as a power clean and jerk. If I do it as a squat clean and jerk (games standard) I am pretty certain my time will at first get worse. But over time, I would argue, I might get more efficient in my movements and actually get faster. Having a harder standard is never a bad thing. If we want to be the best we have to train to the highest standard. With that being said, do what you can to get people to that standard. If you can't do CTB pull ups, do what you can and keep working on them. It's called universal scalability. Just my thoughts. See you in the morning.
6 rds plus pull-ups and cleans.
Standard APFT
93 PU
100 SU
11:40 2MR
Great to see the Apaches out at the WOD this AM.
7 Rounds + PUs
Started with a standard APFT:
85 pushups
90 situps
12:17 run
then did the WOD - 7 rds + 4 cleans
The big take away this morning was that my run time improved by 15 seconds, while I have done VERY limited running since my last APFT. If you have doubts as to the effect that intense WODs can have on your general fitness, do your own test-go several 6-8 weeks with 5-days on, 2-days off WODs, and knock out an APFT. There is no way to convince people that will be as effective as personal experience.
6 rds plus pull ups and cleans, just a note, there were 4 + gophers this morning.... gopher clap! (yes I just did that) Thanks for going against me and my roomate sir.
I lost count of my rounds, but it was either 6 or 7 rounds with pullups.
As for the APFT, I did 15 more push ups, 5 more sit ups, and took 30 seconds off my 2 mile without training for the APFT at all. (This is when I took it last week).
7 rounds and pullups
7 rd's + 2 PUs...
CTB PUs were not to standard. I did feel good on the MBPC...
Good workout. Could have gone alot harder on this one though...
9 rounds as rx'd. Took Dan's advice and had a buddy coach. HUGE difference, not only did I do more but Ash didn't count reps if it wasn't proper form.
6 rounds plus 2PU. CTB pull-ups just add another item to my list of goats...
8 rnds + 7 PU
7 rnds
Still on the running IR so subbed 7 burpees for the 50 m run.
8 rds, 6 pull ups
7 rounds +4 pu's
smoked the first round of ctbs... down hill on them in the rounds following. I'll concede this one to ya rich.
8 rds, pu's, 6 med ball squats.
Tore open 4 calluses on round 6. Wasnt hitting CTB every time on last two rounds. These are sweet PU's though.
7 rounds in 10:02.
6 rounds plus pull ups
Went from kipping PU to jumping Good WOD
Small point of order...I spent about 20-30 minutes after the workout cleaning up the equipment that had been strewn around the room. C V put a lot of work into getting the room setup and dealing with the powers that be, if we leave the room looking like crude then we run the risk of having some BIG problems with said powers that be, so what I'm trying to say is--keep practicing good housekeeping and gently/kindly remind others to do the same....okay sorry for getting on small my soapbox...I know it has been mentioned countless times, and I feel like I'm preaching to the choir, but I just had to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading this far.
Just to clarify...that cleaning session was done at 1900...not this morning...sorry for ruffling any feathers
8 rnds + 6 PUs
After doing the workout myself and watching 4 other people run through it, I noticed that hand positioning is crucial for the CTB PU. A wide grip allows the chest to pass between the arms easily. If the hands are placed in a grip anywhere inside shoulder width, the flexion of the arms is limited by the bicep. Just a thought.
7 + 5 pu...first timer for am workouts
can't wait for tomorrow
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