Friday 5/29/09

For time.

15-10-5 reps of:

Med ball clean (20/12)
Kettle bell swing (53/35)
Chest to bar pull up

Post time to comments.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

11:11, as posted.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

12:41...decided to try this as a 21-15-9 event instead of the 15-10-5 I posted. The CTB pull ups broke me off. I think 4 exercises in this rep format may be a little much. This was a tough week.

MAJ Stroh is taking a shot at the programming for June...any workouts you just absolutely want to see go ahead and post them here and we'll see where we can fit them in. We have the first draft already underway but there is alway room for changes.

SB said...

7:23 as rx'd
did it with Mac and Kingsley. I liked this one...the cleans had more of an effect on me than i thought they would.
We worked on some ring work afterwards.

NM said...

Took DB's lead and did 21-15-9 in 12:44.

Great crew this week...hope we can keep it up during CST.

Mac said...

6:47. Upper back is feeling the love after all the shrug work this week, so this was a great capstone. Thanks to SB and Kings for pushing me through this.

I'd like to see a variety of outdoor work this next month, maybe with non-standard equipment (duffle bags, sandbags, etc). Not only would that get us out of the gym, but with CFT starting up and the B&G Nation being spread out across the world, That would help keep us all engaged.

Unknown said...

I second Mac's comment on nonstandard equipment. That'd be cool. If we come up with something as elegant as Fran with Army-issue equipment...

Kings said...


Some good old fashioned CF fun.

Thanks to SB for all of the extra work on the rings.

DanH said...

21-15-9 version

Time - 15:21

still have a hard time maintaining any kind of cadence on the C2B pull ups. need to work on it.

2LT Brian P.Smith said...

10:54 with 50# dumbell and 20# bar instead of medicine ball. Also had to wait for the pullup bar twice so i stopped my clock each time.

Anonymous said...



I used a homemade medicine ball which weighed ~20-25lbs and used a 5-gallon jug of water for the KBS. I think that it weighs about 44lbs.

dkeys said... home gym needs some serious expansion...CTB pullups killed me...hope to be able to use my high schools field house pretty soon. Feels great to finally be off the road since Monday. Looking forward to June's WODs

RW said...


Did 21-15-9 version

Stroh's Lite said...

13:45 as rx'd