Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Again, on your own due to weather:

1. Conditioning
3 RFT:
5 Muscle ups (sub 3 pullups and 3 dips per if can't do mu)
10 Power Cleans, 155/105
2. Conditioning
3 RFT:
20 C2B
20 Bench Press, 135/95
3. Conditioning
3 RFT:
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
30 Box Jumps, 24/20


R.K. Barker said...

There was a Sandhurst team that got into the Powerlifting room before me because Arvin opened early. They took up every rack and barbell and did the dumbest, most dangerous crap I've ever seen and did it until 0615. I did the bench press, started to get tough around rep 40.

After the idiots cleared out I did the first WOD, subbed ring dips for muscle ups. That was good, but tough. 5:12.06

Alex Vinson said...

Really upset that I slept straight through my alarm this morning. Had to get my workout in later. Although it sounds like I wouldn't have been able to get anything done anyway.

1. Hang power clean (%1rm = 145#)
1x3@60%, 1x2@70,75,80,85%

2. Split jerk from behind head (%1rm = 125#)
1x3@60%, 1x2@70,75,80,85%

3. Back squat(%1rm = 175#)
1x3@60%, 1x2@70,75, 80,85%