Thursday, 12 September 2013

Announcement: We will meet in Arvin's 3rd floor weight room at 0530 for a strength workout.  Please jog up to the 3rd floor for your warm-up and claim as many bars, benches, and squat racks as possible.

Warm-Up: We will review the back squat movement with PVC pipe to ensure everyone understands and demonstrates proper form and full range of motion.  One of the instructors will lead a few other mobility exercises with the PVC pipe before the workout begins.

Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1
Bench Press 5-5-3-3-1-1
***Start with an empty bar to warm-up with a set of 5 and then slowly start to add weight.  Once you find a weight that is challenging for a set of 5, count that as set #1.  Continue to increase weight, as appropriate, eventually building up to find your 1 Rep Max.  For Bench Press, compare this to your 1RM on 21 AUG 13.


Jacquie said...

No spotter, so I had to be conservative. Back squats @ 95 lbs and bench press @ 80 lbs.

R.K. Barker said...

My bench topped out at 185 and squat at 205. I need to do work on my strength...and my hip mobility.

Adrienne said...

Back squat: 145 lb (10 lb PR!)
Bench: 110 lb (5 lb PR!)