Friday, 6 September 2013

Announcement:  We will meet at Daly Field at 0530.  Please jog over to the field and use the jog as your warm-up.

WOD:  Friday's B&G Challenge
Everyone will work in groups of 2-3 and there will be 6-8 stations depending on the number of people who show up - one group per station.  The stations will be:

- Kettle Bell Swings (53#/35#)
- Box Jumps
- Burpees
- Barbell Thrusters (45#/35#)
- Sit-Ups
- Overhead Lunges with Plate (45#/25#)
- 400m run with wall ball (20#/14#)

AMRAP in 25 minutes.  The group who is running the 400m will set the rotation time...once the group completes the run, the groups will rotate to the next station.  Each group needs to try to get as many reps at each station with only one person working at a time.  Each group's score will be their total number of reps (keep a continuous count as you move from station to station...75 KB swings + 60 box jumps, + 55 burpees, etc.).  For the 400m run station, each group will have to carry either 1 med ball (for teams of 2) or 2 med balls (for teams of 3), or if you are up for even more of a challenge, each person can carry a med ball.

1 comment:

R.K. Barker said...

That was a lot of fun. Awesome to see good group of cadets out. I worked with Pat and Micah, if I remember our count correctly we finished at 502 reps, total.