Tuesday, 03/29/11

"KBR Run"
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Box jumps (24/20)
Ring Dips
Run 500 meters (Supt/Comm loop)

Note: Don't run 500 meters 21 times during the first round.  Just finish each of the three rounds with a 500 meter run.


Joe said...

Im so thankful for the note...I thought I was in for a lot of running hahaha

Adam said...


that was much tougher than it looked. Ring dips really slowed me down. Great WOD!

JWM said...


I came in the door with SG who pushed me hard this morning!

Great work out there this morning. It has been too long since we had ring dips in the rotation. Maybe time to see them again soon!

Chris M said...

KTEs were abysmal and used bands on the ring dips. Basically i felt sorry for myself the whole way.

Anonymous said...

12:25. That blast of frigid air as you come out of Arvin makes it all worth it. Didn't spring start last week?

Matt said...


As Rx'd, 13:57

jswobe said...


subbed 1000m on the bike for the run

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

2001 A-Man said...

I did the Crossfit Open WOD 11.1.

4 complete rounds in the 10 minutes.

Thanks, Sam, for grading me.

LTC Greco said...


JWM killed me on the ring dips...thanks for being out there for me to chase!

Kingsley said...


Did the first round as Rxed. Then changed the Box Jumps to Box Steps and rowed 500 meters for the rest.

ErinM said...

14:08 for a WOD that only slightly resembled this one.

Squats with 25 lb plate, box jumps, lunges with 25 lb plate.
500m run after each round

Joe said...

So happy we didn't have to do the 21 500m runs
Fun wod

Dan said...

14:53 scaled to hanging leg raises and used blue band for the dips. Box jumps as rx'd.

The 10,500 meter run after the 21 round took quite a bit out of me. :)

Megan said...

Amanda 15:02
Megan 13:00
Both of us scaled to knee raises, blue band used for ring dips & 20"