Wednesday, 03/30/11

Five rounds for time:
15 Medicine ball cleans (20/14)
15 Wall ball shots (20/14)

Post time to comments.

Note, the next CrossFit Games Open WOD will post tonight.  Once it is released we will adjust our week's programming as necessary to facilitate running that WOD this week.  Check back often to stay posted.


LTC Greco said...

8:06 as rx'd

Thanks to Adam for knocking out the WOD with me, and congrats to Carissa for smoking WOD 11.2! Hope to see everybody on Friday for our chance!

Adam said...


Ouch, my legs went to Jello with a quickness.

Chris M said...

10:02 Ouch!

ErinM said...


One-armed wall ball shots (8lb) and one-armed med ball cleans (10lb). Probably the hardest part was catching the med ball with one arm.

Anonymous said...

Pretty disgusted with my current cardiovascular weakness, so altered the WOD to:

KB swings (53lbs)
225lb DLs
Gym Loop after each round

14:04. More miserable than I though it would be.

Kingsley said...

WOD 11.2 complete. Still can't breathe very well.

Finished 10 rounds + 9 DLs + 8 PUs

My original goal was to keep pace for 9 rounds so I am pretty happy with result.

Then, watched Annie Lee complete: 10 rounds + 8 DLs

That workout hurt!!!

2001 A-Man said...

Did Monday's front squat workout. Got up to 185 lbs on my last two sets of five squats.

jswobe said...


Looking forward to 11.2. It looks to be fierce...

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Sodak said...


9 rounds 9 DL 8 PU

Thanks SG. Rough one today after 2 minutes i seriously debated waiting until sunday. Rough one to do by yourself. Definately felt it at track tonight.
Bring on 11.3

sdc said...

8:40 as rx'd

Can't wait for tomorrow's wod

Joe said...

And I thought I had an empty tank before I started the wod. What a smoker!!

Megan said...

Megan 11:27 major ouch!
Amanda 8:53
Both used 10lb for cleans & 8lb for wall ball

Dan said...

9:56 as Rx'd

That one stole my bike and made me take a new route to school. Smo-ker.

baby huey said...

8:32 as rx