Tuesday, 03/08/11

3 rounds for time:
Run Gym Loop (400m)
15 pull-ups
50 air squats
15 pull-ups

Kevin Montoya 9:52, Dave Leys 9:55, Lucas Zepeda 10:05, Jake Cutting10:33, Rob Orlando 10:34, Connor Martin 10:52, Kristan Clever 11:04,Alison Patenaude 11:19, Heather Bergeron 11:29, Jordan Wallace11:49, Laurie Galassi 11:55, Kim Malz 12:30.

Post time to comments

WOD Demo at CrossFit Santa Cruz - video [wmv] [mov]
WOD Demo at CrossFit Brand X - video [wmv] [mov]
Rob Orlando on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]
Heather Bergeron on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]


njc said...


JWM said...

12:56 as Rx'd

Pull-ups were all unbroken which means the squats and gym loops were not very fast!

LTC Greco said...

15:16 as rx'd

Gym loops were fast trying to make up for a weak pull-up effort. Squat cleans and bench press yesterday took more out of my shoulders than I thought they would.

Anonymous said...

14:55. 11 second improvement from when we did this in December.

Awesome effort, JWM, with the unbroken pullups.

ErinM said...


Sad as the extremely assisted pull-ups were, I was very happy to be working my way back into a WOD. Will be taking it slow on the elbow though (which means these were a mix of green band assisted/jumping/one-armed pull-ups).

Matt said...


14:30 as Rx'd

Then heavy overhead

jswobe said...



*subbed 1000m bike for runs...

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

sdc said...


The pullups were a lot harder than they should have been.

Kingsley said...

14:53 with 500M row sub.

Pull-ups were extremely tough after the row. Definitely not unbroken.

Joe said...

13:22 as RX last round really took my lunch great wod

Amanda 16:19 @ 10 pull ups 40 squats
O.G. 14:44 @10 pull ups blue bands 40 squats
Megs 13:08 @ 10 pull ups blues bands 40 squats

Dan said...

17:01 with the blue band for the pullups

Sodak said...

I started getting sore during the wo. Awesome. It is so much easier to keep up than to catch up.
My Mind was my limiting factor.