Friday, 03/18/11

Today (or sometime this weekend) we will do the current CrossFit Games Open 11.1 WOD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75/55)

Post rounds and partial rounds to comments

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.

CrossFit Games Open 11.1 workout instructions - video [wmv] [mov]

If you want to do this for record and get your score officiated, coordinate in comments.


JWM said...

SG and I are going to be in there at 0800. If you are interested in coming on and joining us for the WOD we will see you there. If you want to be judged so you can compete, let me know.

Adam said...

you guys should enter the Open. Hopefully you are rocking the video camera tomorrow morning. I probably won't make it at 0800, but do plan to make up today's WOD and tomorrow's back to back.

JWM said...

5 rounds even (as Rx'd)

Barely squeeked in the last power snatch!

Wow, that was such a CrossFit WOD. The first time I saw it I underestimated it. As I watched some of the videos on the games site, I started to respect it. As I suffered through it, it crushed me!

Matt said...


This one crushed me.

3 rounds, 30 DU, 7 PS

jswobe said...

While the 11.1 WOD looks awesome, I needed to do something w/o jumping rope. My ankle/achilles needs to rest. (You can interpret that as I should NOT have done yesterday's WOD either...)

4 Rounds of:
500m row
5 overhead squats (85 lbs)
10 deadlifts (205 lbs)
15 pull ups
20 push ups


Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

LTC Greco said...

4 rounds as rx'd

Great WOD...first round felt great, and the rest were pure torture. Thanks JWM for getting me out of the Spring Break funk!