Wednesday 2/17/10

For weight:
Squat clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post weights to comments.


Bob said...

Wish I was going to be there for this one - I'll be back soon.

AJ said...


Vanilla Gorilla said...


JWM said...


Unknown said...

135, 135, 185(f), 155, 175, 175

Maj said...

135, 185, 205, 215, 225(PR)

Ended on the 5th rep because I ran out of time this morning.

Chris M said...


Gregg said...

Glad to get a PR, Front Squat was limiting factor.

Jimmy said...

Made for for Monday with some New England CF with LDO.
20 of each:
-push jerk
-OHS squat
-Front squat
with four burpees to be done at every repeating minute.

Finished with a 2 mile tempo run (2.0% grade)

Anonymous said...

To make up monday's WOD, led the post-formation crew on an old B&G WOD from 24 Nov 09:

5 rds for time
- 5x power snatch (75 lbs)
- 10x overhead squats (75 lbs)
- 15x pushups
- 20x situps

My time - 9:46(PR)

SM said...


No PR today.

JJ said...

Hurts to be back...

Unknown said...

Not comfortable trying squat clean for weight without a coach, so I went with DL for weight.


Also worked on HSPU - blue bands with 45# plates to increase range of motion.

hillbillyrich said...

95x2 (to get the feel)
145x3 (weight was pretty easy, but form was bad, pulling up w/ arms)

Did lighter weight afterwards to work on form.

NM said...

Did a great 15 min AMRAP this AM @ CFO...recommend we program this one sometime.

-10x 135# Rack Lunges (5x each leg)- for this exercise, we placed the bar in the rack position and did 5x lunges with each leg
-15x Elevated Push-up- for this exercise, we elevated our feet on a 20 in box and did 15x push-ups
-20x 20 in box jumps

Finished 8 rds as time expired.

The people at CFO have been awesome, but definitely missing the crew back there.

Tam said...

Thanks MAJ Mac,

5 rds for time
- 5x power snatch (45 lbs)
- 10x overhead squats (45 lbs)
- 15x pushups
- 20x situps

I won't dare list my time! :-)

Anonymous said...

185, 190, 200, 210, 225, 235, 240(PR)

Unknown said...

5 rds for time
- 5x power snatch (65 lbs)
- 10x overhead squats (65 lbs)
- 15x pushups
- 20x situps


Anonymous said...


sdc said...

135, 155, 165, 175(f), 155, 175(f), 155