Thursday 2/11/10

For time:

45 x Double-unders
45 x Squat clean (135lb / 95lb)
45 x Ring Dips
45 x Double-unders

Post time to comments.


Black and Gold CF Ancient said...

OMG!! That WOD looks horribly painful! Glad I'm missing it. Have fun with that one ninjas!

NM said...

NM?? Don't make me call you, I had to call myself out after missing yesterday's WOD. That's embarrassing...

Hittin the Prayer B-fast today so I'll miss the Morning Crew again...I'll make up the WOD later. Look forward to seeing you all on Friday.

AJ said...

11:48 scaled to 95#

Also, I broke MAJ Richards' jump rope. My bad, sir.

Gregg said...

19:13 as Rx'd, this one hurt.

JWM said...

16:24 scaled to 95#

Weak weak morning for me this morning. Way too much time off the bar and I discovered that squat cleans might be my #1 goat.

Anonymous said...

17:02, with about 2-3 minutes dedicated to wrapping more tape around my bloodied palms (thank you, Monday WOD).

On another note, not that I wear them, but why the ban on the vibram shoes in Arvin? I would guess they provide the same amount of protection as a pair of running shoes.

Unknown said...

Thanks to Major Richards great help with form for this workout as well every workout that he helps me with!

kseki said...

Scaled squat cleans to 65#s and did 24"box jumps instead of double unders... I'm still kinda new to this, but how many goats are you allowed to have?

Unknown said...

19:57, scaled to 95#
Saw the clock was at 19:10 when I picked up the jump rope. Was determined to finish before 20 minutes!
Squat cleans.....ow!

Unknown said...

18:35. Scaled 95#. Went to blue bands to keep up intensity on ring dips.

Anonymous said...

22:05 as rx'd


Mac, sir, VFFs have not been banned. The sign is somewhat misleading. The new policy is that we have to wear socks with the VFFs just like any other running shoe. Vibram sells a sock made specifically for the FFs.

Maj said...

16:53 rx'd

It's been awhile since I've done some cleans so those were definitely my sticky point for this wod.

Can't wait for thrusters tomorrow!

Maj said...

actually, it wasn't as rx'd. forgot that i replaced double unders with 45 x 20" box jumps. my bad.

SM said...

16:05 as Rx'd

Pretty sure my form was miserable on the SC's, but the video tutorial really helped.

Also, if anyone wondered what the blur of rope and man flesh was in the '62 room this afternoon, it was me setting a double under PR of 29!

Anonymous said...

Dragged the climbing team through Fran after some bouldering this afternoon. I programmed the WOD a week ago and didn't realize that we would be doing Daniel tomorrow. Oh well.

3:44 (PR 5 sec)

When we got into the gym there was in excess of 1500lbs of bars and plates sitting around the gym and 3 sets of 24" box jumps set up. Clean up after yourselves. That is part of the cool-down. Off my soapbox.

Jimmy said...

20.34. Scaled to 95