Monday 2/8/10

AMRAP 20 minutes:

Walking Lunge, 30ft
Sumo deadlift highpull 95/55 pounds, 21 reps
Pull-ups 15 reps

Post number of rounds to comments.


Anonymous said...

Registration is open for the 2010 CF games sectional qualifier in Montclair, NJ on 27-28 March 2010. We are looking at putting a team together to go. It looks like we will be on our own in terms of paying for registration ($100) and transpo. If there are any DCA wizards out there who know how to get funding, we could use some help. If you can help, want to participate or just want to spectate (each competitor gets to bring a guest for free) e-mail me. I am the only Teixeira in the corps. Let's get this done and represent B&G well to the NorthEast NY/NJ region. Any officers out there who would like to come and support?

JWhips said...

Not going to make it in the morning. Have a sick baby at home. I'll make this one up at lunch.

Unknown said...

Exactly 6 rounds

Lots of hard work and great form this morning! If you tore your hands up please be sure to tape next time. We're going to buy about 10 rolls to make them available and we'll show you how to save your hands.

Best thing you can do is keep it clean and let it dry out. Keep the flap over the exposed skin.

If you want to go to the qualifier in NJ in March, please come talk to me about diet so we can maximize your performance.

JWM said...

I gave a clinic this morning: "What not to do for scaling" 95lbs was too much for me to get good intensity and I spent well over half my time on SDHP. 4 Rounds + Lunges + SDHP + Lesson Learned (hopefully)

kseki said...

6 rounds at 20:05
Scaled SDLHP to 65lbs
After 5 weeks of Crossfit, I can officially say that SDLHP is one of my goats.

Njc said...

5 rounds just after 20:00
scaled SDHP to 65#

Sodak said...

7 rounds walking lunges and 20 SDHP.

Yeah about the tape thing... I was going well and then, dang. The last stinkin pull-up got me! Whata bummer. But now I feel like a BA ninja, so all is good. I need to eat healthier. I dont think Oreo's and grapes equals a balanced diet...
Missed you this morning Jwhips. Actually there have been a few that we have been missing for a while... just going to throw that out there.

Chris M said...

4 rounds at 20:10

2 rounds at 95lbs
2 rounds at 75lbs with bands

NM said...

7 rounds even.

Vanilla Gorilla??


Alex not Andy?? I will now call you Andy again until you can come to the WOD for one straight week...who's laughin now, Andy??!!

Anonymous said...

6 rounds even, some pretty bad THS this morning.

Tore my hands up again... I definitely need to learn how to tape up my hands better.

Njc said...

I agree with Bobby, on both the THS this morning and taping hands.

SB said...

Modified this one a bit due to time. Amrap 10 mins of lunges with 45lbs overhead (length of black mat and back), 10x 75lbs sdhp, 5x strict pullups. 4 rnds