1LT Tyler E. Parten, 24, of Arkansas, died Sept. 10 in Konar province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado. USMA Class of 2007.
For time.
5 rounds of:
7 x Muscle up
21 x 95lb Sumo deadlift high pull
Post time to comments.
95# SDHP
3 regular muscle-ups, then the rest were scaled.
21:29 as rx'd
Had to take my APFT this morning. Abysmal performance for some reason - worst in awhile:
PU - 64 (75 max)
SU - 87 (76 max)
2MR - 13:45 (13:18 max)
On a better note, everyone's technique is getting a lot better!
20:07 rx'd
This is one really worked my grip strength.
21:22 as Rx'd...this one hurt as a hero workout should. 95lb SDHP are no joke. I made the mistake of waiting until most of the group was finished before even starting. Which left me as the lone survivor on the last couple of rounds. Thanks to the couple of you that were there that kept me going.
God Speed Tyler.
Oh yeah...Mark, I wouldn't worry too much about the APFT. You just took it on a Thursday and I know for a fact that you have worked out everyday since Saturday to include a pretty heavy lift yesterday. Sometimes you just bonk. It happens on PT tests and on WODs. I would listen to your body and take a rest day.
-started SDHP with 85lbs and then scaled to 65lbs
-as rx'd on all muscle ups
tough, tough wod....a tribute to Tyler and all those currently getting after it on the frontier of freedom.
Also took an APFT this morning:
PU - 84
SU - 90
Run - 12:11 Total - 334
Then did yesterday's squats. Worked up to 225 but wasn't happy with depth. Good at 205.
29:04, as Rx'd, MU took a while once i hit failure.
Did Fran this AM with the USAFA CF and Combat Conditioning groups.
3:56 (1:49 PR)
Something just clicked this morning and I never broke a set. The amazing thing is that my previous PR was just about 2 months ago when I first arrived here at USAFA. Closest I have ever been to puking during a WOD.
65lb SDHP
MU from ground
Did yesterday's squat WOD:
185, 205, 225, 235, 245, 255.
Definately hit my limit on 255, so I didn't even try to go up. Encouraged.
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