Tuesday 12/9/08


For time.

21-15-9 reps of:

95lb overhead squat


42-30-18 reps of:

Pull ups

Obviously you go from OHS to PU then back so it would look like 21 OHS, 42 PU, 15 OHS etc...

Post time to comments.


C V said...

The wheels came off the pullups about midway through the second set. The last set was done mainly in groups of two.

SB said...

10:00 exactly
had to scale to 65lbs

have to really focus on keeping my shoulders engaged.
Good WOD

Go Cubs said...

9:50, pullups crushed me

Anonymous said...


I felt that my form suffered later in the workout. Pullups died midway through the second set.

RW said...


Looking at these other times I must have been sand bagging today. I did straight sets on the O/H squats, pull-ups were slow, obviously.

Mac said...

10:20. O/H squats are still a challenge, but better. Beat myself up for another 20 minutes to make up for it.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...


Pull ups got me more than I thought they would.

I've been hearing rumors of folks not using full range of motion on overhead squats and thrusters. Remember...having a fast(er) time and not doing the rep correctly doesn't help you. In fact it can lead to injury. So it is upon you and those around you to keep you honest. If you see someone not doing the reps correctly, make sure you let them know. They may not realize it and you are doing them a favor, although they may not think so at the time. Intensity is only a good thing if you do it safely.

Okay, I'm off my soap box. Good work out.

Demet-hook said...

10:04...drastic improvement in my OHSs...

Anonymous said...
