CrossFit and Beat Navy Thursday 12/4/08

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of work at each station followed by two minutes of rest.

Station 1. Stairs

1 lap of stairs from basement to 4th floor
8 x Hand stand push ups (if you cannot do hand stand push ups, hold a hand stand for 30 seconds)

Station 2. Hayes Pull Up Bars

5 x Pull ups
10 x Push ups
15 x Squats

Station 3. Hayes Ropes

1 x Rope climb
10 x Burpees

Post total number of rounds to comments.


Demet-hook said...

Instead of this tomorrow morning I will be doing a 4 mile ruck march for Economics extra credit (only at West Point) with my instructor...I'm sure I will be having as much fun as you guys...

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Started at station 2.

Rounds were as follows.

Pullups, push ups, squats: 10
Rope climbs: 5
Stairs: 4

Total: 19 rounds

Good work out today, I think throwing those short rests in really allowed me to maintain the intensity.

Anonymous said...

Started at station 2

mini-"Cindy" - 11 Rounds
Rope ascents / Burpees - 5 rounds
Stairs - 4 Rounds (Finished 4th round at 8:15)

19.67 Rounds total.

SB said...

total: 17.5 rnds

rotation: station #3, 1, 2
#1: 3.5 rnds
#2: 8 rnds (I think doing this last lowered my count considerably, but no excuse)
#3: 6 rnds

tough WOD!

Go Cubs said...

Ropes/Burpees- 5 rds
Stairs- 4 rds
pullups/pu's/sqts- 7 rds

Total- 16 rds

6th WOD in 4 days...i love it
I think the Crossfit Friday's should follow this pattern more often because i kept a high level of intensity the whole workout and i never rested for more than about 3-4 secs.

RW said...

Ropes = 5
stairs = 4
mini cindy = 10

I completed the rounds in that order

Maj said...

3, 7, 3 and a rope climb
I did situps instead of squats
good workout