Thursday, 11 July 2013

WOD: Come on out and join Team RWB in a "Crush-It WOD" down at South Dock at 0600.  If you are not familiar with Team RWB, look up the Team RWB - West Point chapter on Facebook.  I will continue to post all of their weekly workouts to our B&G site to join some other CrossFitters throughout the summer.

ANNOUNCEMENT (dated 8 JUN 13):  As Cadet Summer training continues, B&G programming will temporarily stop until the cadets return for the fall semester.  Due to the various summer detail schedules, we have been unable to run organized classes each day.  Additionally, based on the feedback from last Friday's post, not enough people are following the programming over the summer.  Please stay tuned for announcements and updates on the program as we prepare to welcome the cadets back mid-August!

If you are new to West Point and would like to join B&G or if you are Level 1 certified instructor and would like to help run the B&G program, please email me at for more information.

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