Friday, 1 MARCH 2013

Announcements:   Let's meet up in the '62 room at 0530 to warm-up and discuss the WOD. Then depending on how crowded it is, we will either move up to Hayes Gym or knock it out in the '62 room.

Equipment required:  motivation!

Warm-up and instruction:  Adam will demo each movement and we will give everyone a chance to knock out a few reps of each to ensure they are warmed up and ready to rock.

Buy-in challenge:  Max time for handstand (wall-supported) hold


Today we will do a version of a 'beat the clock' WOD, but we will change it up a bit.  Here is how it works:

20 x push-ups in a minute for as many minutes as you can complete all 20 push-ups prior to the minute being up.  RULE:  Once you start a set of push-ups, you have to do 20 unbroken or the round doesn't count.  In this case we define 'unbroken' as the APFT standard - you can 'rest' in the up position with back arched, but you cannot rest on your knees or can't remove your hands from the ground.

An example of what this might look like:  You knock out 20 push-ups in 28 seconds.  You rest, stand up, cheer, stretch, etc. for the remaining 32 seconds of the minute - this is ONE ROUND complete.  Once the 1st minute expires, you knock out 20 more push-ups.  You finish with 30 seconds to go.  You rest, etc. for the remainder of the minute - this is TWO ROUNDS complete.  You continue this sequence until you cannot complete all 20 push-ups (without resting once starting) before the minute expires.  Overall score is number of COMPLETE rounds and number of push-ups completed in the round that you failed to complete (i.e. 4 rounds complete + 16 push-ups)

SCALING OPTION:  If you don't think you can do more than a round or two, you can break up the set of 20 and rest on your knees.  This isn't as prescribed, but will enable you to get a good workout and increase your push-up capacity.  You can also do knee push-ups if you prefer.  Be mindful of your overall volume of push-ups - DO NOT do 6 rounds as rx'd, then 4 rounds with broken up sets, then finish with 5 rounds of knee push-ups - this is a surefire way to injure yourself with an overuse injury!!  Listen to your body, push your limits, but don't be foolish!

5 x strict pull-ups in a minute for as many minutes as you can complete all 5 strict pull-ups prior to the minute being up.  RULE:  Unlike the push-up standards, you CAN drop off the bar to rest.  You may also change your grip (chin-up, mixed, etc.) if you prefer.  You CANNOT kip or use any other method to get above the bar.  Strict pull-ups!!  Otherwise same sequence as above.

SCALING OPTION: Kipping pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, or band-assisted pull-ups.  Once again, be mindful of your volume!

Compare to: 14 SEPT 2012

Post time for handstands and score for each challenge to comments.

Thursday, 28 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - we are meeting in the 3rd Floor Weight Room.  Please arrive as early as possible to claim space.  It is a partner WOD, so pair up with a person of near equal ability.  We need to start the WOD NLT 0540 so we have time to finish!

Equipment needed - BRING YOUR JUMP ROPE!   Also, you will need a barbell, lifting platform, and a towel.

Warm-up and instruction - immediately upon arrival, grab a barbell with a light load and begin working on squat cleans.  Depending on how crowded it is, we may have a group demo or Matt and I will walk around to each group to provide coaching tips.


Partner Beat the Clock
Squat cleans (115/75)

With a constantly running clock, Person A does 1 squat clean in the 1st minute and Person B rests.  Once the 1st minute expires, Person B does 1 squat clean while Person A rests.  After the 2nd minute expires, Person A knocks out 2 x squat cleans and Person B rests.  After 3rd minute expires, Person B works and A rests.

Each person gets at least 1 full minute of rest between rounds.

Continue this sequence until neither partner is able to complete the prescribed number of reps in one minute.

NOTE:  If one person is unable to complete the reps in the designated time, the other person continues solo until they are unable to complete as prescribed.  The one minute for the partner who dropped out still applies.
NOTE2:  Scale as needed.

Partner Double-under Challenge - one person works while the other rests

For time:

Advanced:  500 D/Us total (each person does 50 and then switches with their partner)
Intermediate: 250 D/Us total (25 and then switch)
Beginner: 150 D/Us total (15 and switch)

Post partner's name, number of rounds complete for the beat the clock and time to complete cash-out to comments.

Wednesday, 27 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the '62 Room.  Please grab a kettlebell on your way in!  Also, PLEASE post your results so you can compare your performance in the future to track your progress!!

Equipment needed - 1 x kettlebell or dumbbell of appropriate weight

Warm-up and instruction - Matt will take half the group through the points of performance for kettlebell swings and give everyone a chance to do some swings.  Adam will take the other half of the group on a gym loop to warm up.  Upon return, we will switch roles.



3 rounds for time
Run Gym Loop (400 meters)
21 x kettlebell swings (53/35)
12 x pull-ups

NOTE:  Scale as needed - there are a variety of dumbbells available, so grab one that works for you.

Compare to:  7 SEPT 2012

Post time to comments.

Tuesday, 26 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - today we will meet in the  '62 Room, warm-up for a bit, and then move up to Hayes Gym for the WOD.  For all the non-West Point followers of the B&G blog, I apologize for another West Point specific WOD...improvise with what you have available at your location!!

Equipment required - motivation!

Warm-up and instruction - we will move up to Hayes and give everyone a chance to practice each of the movements.  I will let some of our rock star cadets demo each event and provide DPE-quality insights on how to execute each obstacle.



Go through the tire
Across the balance beam, do a front roll
Climb over the wall
Horizontal ladder (AKA monkey bars)
Climb the rope
Run 2.5 laps (first lap with medicine ball, second lap with baton, half lap without anything)
Rest 1 minute (enough time to walk to start another round!)

Post number of rounds complete to comments.

Monday, 25 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - congrats to the Firsties on being less than 100 days to graduation - keep up the fire!!  We will meet in the '62 room of Arvin.  I will not be able to make it in the morning, my wife is out of town and I can't leave my little guy solo!!

Equipment required - dumbbells of various weights for Part 1 and medicine for Part 2.

Warm-up and instruction - upon arrival start your individual warm-up.  Focus on doing some air squats and push-ups to get your legs and arms warmed up.  Matt will discuss points of performance for the two movements.


You can do a stagger start.

Part 1: Goblet squat ladder

You have 1 minute to complete 5 goblet squats.  Start with a 30 lbs. dumbbell (men) or 15 lbs. for women.  After you successfully complete 5 goblet squats, rest the remainder of the minute and then add 10 lbs. to the load.

After you can no longer complete 5 goblet squats in 1 minute, you are done.

NOTE:  Dumbbell starts from the ground.

Rest 2 minutes and get ready for Part 2.

Part 2: Weighted pull-ups beat the clock

For Part 2 you will do 1 weighted pull-up (20/12 lbs.) the 1st minute and rest the remainder of the minute.  Then do 2 weighted pull-ups the 2nd minute and rest remainder.  Continue this sequence until you cannot complete the required number of weighted pull-ups in the time prescribed.

NOTE:  Scale as needed, but the focus is doing weighted pull-ups, not a high volume of pull-ups.  Yes, if it were unweighted you could do a whole lot more, but that isn't the intent of this WOD.

Post max loads for Part 1 and number reps for Part 2 to comments.

Friday, 22 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - It's Friday...come on down for a great smoker to end the week!  We will meet in the '62 Room and then move up to either the 2nd or 4th floor basketball courts to get after it.

Equipment required - Wrist watch, jump rope, and motivation!!

Warm-up and instruction - we will go through a few warm-up drills, stretch our legs, practice double-unders, etc. before getting after it!


Sprint and double-under ladder. (**you can start dry-heaving now!)

Sprint to half court of the basketball court (approximately 15 meters), touch floor, and run backwards to start point.
10 double-unders (3:1 single-under or 4:1 jumping jacks substitution)
Rest time equal to time it takes to complete.

After each round, add 1/2 court and 10 double-unders.  Time each round and continue to rest the same time it takes to complete the round.

For example:
Round 1 - Run to half-court and back, 10 double-unders, rest time total for Round 1
Round 2 - Run full court and back, 20 double-unders, rest time total for Round 2
Round 3 - Run full court and back, then half court and back, 30 DUs, rest...
You get the idea!!

Post number of rounds complete to comments.

Thursday, 21 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the '62 Room for the WOD and then head up to the 3rd floor weight room for the cash-out.  I want to ensure everyone has time for the cash-out, so we will start the WOD NLT 0545 so we have time for both events.  This should be a very fast WOD, so if we can run a second group after the first finishes, if needed.

Equipment required - pair of dumbbells of appropriate size for the WOD and a TOWEL and bench for the cash-out.

Warm-up and instruction - We will discuss both movements from the WOD and give everyone a chance to practice each.


5 rounds for time:
12 x dumbbell push press (30/15 lbs. each)
12 x walking lunges holding one dumbbell at your chest (one step = one rep)

Max reps until failure of bench press (load = 75% of your body weight)

NOTE:  If we are short on dumbbells, you can substitute kettlebell swings for the push presses.
NOTE2:  Use a spotter for the bench press and scale as needed.  If 75% of your body weight is close to your one rep max, then go to 50% of body weight.

Post time for WOD and number of reps complete for cash-out to comments.

Wednesday, 20 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - we are meeting in the 3rd Floor Weight Room....please arrive as early as possible to grab space!!  Also, bring a partner and a towel!

Equipment required - barbell and lifting platform

Warm-up and instruction - upon arrival start your individual warm-up with a light load on the power clean.  Here is a decent instructional video, in case you are a bit rusty on the power clean.  I will walk around and provide coaching as needed and I encourage everyone to be a good coach for their partner.  Unsafe or improper mechanics will lead to both injuries and sub-optimal performance!  Help your buddy out and ensure they are hitting the points of performance!!


It's a partner WOD, so pair up with someone of near equal size and strength!


Person A - max reps of power cleans (115/75) while Person B is gone
Person B - run to 4th floor basketball courts and do 10 x burpee pull-ups
When Person B returns, switch roles.

NOTE:  Scale as needed in order to maintain intensity.

Post partner's name and number of rounds complete to comments.

Tuesday, 19 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements:  Welcome back from the long weekend!  We will meet up in the '62 Room and then move to Hayes Gym if it is too crowded.

Equipment required:  well-hydrated athlete and motivation.

Warm-up and instruction:  Adam will demo each of the movements and give everyone a chance to practice each.


5 x pull-ups
10 x push-ups
15 x air squats


5 x knees to elbows
10 x hand release push-ups
15 x jump and touches (half squat and then jump and touch an object 12 - 18" above your reach)

Post number of rounds complete for each of the AMRAPs to comments.

Monday, 18 FEBRUARY 2013

Happy President's Day everyone!  I hope everyone is enjoying the extra day off and getting a chance to relax!  Arvin will open at 0900 for anyone who is around WP and wants to get together.  I won't be able to link up, but if others can, please post to comments tonight so people can find a partner or two to work out with.

Today's WOD will be a bit different and give everyone a chance to experience a bit of a longer WOD.  You will get to run on tired legs and then get to squat on tired legs.  As always, know your limits and don't try to lift more or run further than you are capable!!

Buy-in:  Back squat 5-5-5 for load

WOD:  Run 3 - 5 miles for time.

Cash-out:  Back squat 5-5-5 for load

NOTE:  There is NO time component to the back squats.  Take your time to properly warm-up for the buy-in and rest as needed between sets.
NOTE2:  After you return from the run, take no more than 5 minutes to transition back to the cash-out.

Post loads for buy-in and cash-out and distance/time of the run to comments.

Friday, 15 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd Floor weight room, so please arrive as early as possible so we can claim enough space!!  This is a strength-focused WOD, so team up with a few folks of similar ability and get after it!

Equipment required - grab a lifting platform and a barbell with the appropriate weights.

Warm-up and instruction - immediately upon arrival start your individual warm-up.  Matt and I will go from group to group to discuss the points of performance with the deadlift and provide coaching as folks warm-up at a lighter load.



NOTE:  There is no time component to this WOD, so be sure to focus on proper form!

Post loads to comments.

Thursday, 14 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - Happy Valentine's Day - come on down to the '62 room at 0530 and show yourself some CrossFit LOVE!!  We will meet in the '62 room to warm-up and then move up to Hayes Gym for the WOD.
If you are not at West Point, I apologize in advance for this very specific West Point WOD.

Equipment required  - JUMP've bought one..right?!?  and Hayes Gym set up for the IOCT.

Warm-up and instruction - we will demo all phases of the WOD and then give everyone a chance to practice their technique.  I will ask an IOCT shelf-master to demo the shelf and provide DPE-approved points of performance and if you are an IOCT-wizard, get ready to brief the group and demo!

WOD: We will start NLT 0545 so we have time for all the fun!

Low crawl
Run 2.5 laps (approximately 400 meters)

NOTE:  After you complete your laps on the track, run back down the start and go again!!!
NOTE2:  We will stagger start, so bring a wrist watch!!


'ANNIE' (12 minute time cap so that folks aren't late for formation!!)

Double-unders (3:1 single-under scale)
Sit-ups (APFT standard with feet unanchored)

Compare to: 25 OCT 2012

Post number of rounds complete for the WOD and time for the cash-out!

Wednesday, 13 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the '62 room - please grab a kettlebell and medicine ball and incorporate it into your warm-up!  DRINK WATER - this one is a nasty one!

Equipment required - 1 x kettlebell per person (or dumbbell) and 1 x medicine ball; please help set-up 6 x sets of rings when you arrive.

Warm-up and instruction - we will split the group and give everyone a chance to practice
Matt will teach and coach kettlebell swings & goblet squats (Caleb McD is back-up)
Adam will teach and coach ring push-ups & weighted sit-ups

WOD starts NLT 0550

Bell Ringer (-)

21-15-9-15-21 reps of:
Kettlebell swings (53/35 lbs.)
Goblet squats with kettlebell
Ring push-ups - rings set about 6 inches off the ground
Weighted sit-ups (20/14 lbs. med ball)

Compare to: 29 AUG 2012

NOTE:  Scale as needed - you can substitute hand release push-ups for ring push-ups and use lower weight for KBS and squats.
NOTE2:  We may need to stagger start based on the number of folks who show up.  Big crowd we might need to start half at KBS and other half at ring push-ups.  After a few minutes, it will work itself out.

Post time to comments.

Tuesday, 12 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements:  Today we will meet in the '62 room.  It will be an action-packed day with several different events, so we need to start with the buy-in right at 0545!!

Equipment required:  Medicine ball and later a barbell/spotter.

Warm-up and instruction:  We will split the group in half and Matt will provide points of performance for wall ball shots and Adam will discuss handstand push-ups and various scaling options.  Everyone will get a chance to practice each movement as part of their warm-up.

Buy-in (prior to starting the WOD) - AMRAP 1 chest to bar pull-ups (scale = regular or jumping pull-ups)


This WOD is in a round robin format,meaning you can start at ANY of the 3 stations, but we will rotate in an organized fashion so that there isn't overcrowding at one station.

4 x :45 second rounds + :15 seconds to transition for max reps of the following:
Wall ball shots (20/14) at 10' target
Knees to elbows
Handstand push-ups

NOTE:  There is no 1 minute of rest at the end.  WOD will take 12 minutes from start to finish. The only 'rest' is the transition break.  Keep track of your running total of reps for each round and write it down at the end.

Cash-out:  AMRAP 1 body weight bench press

Post number of reps for the buy-in, reps complete each round for the WOD, and number of reps for the cash-out.

Monday, 11 FEBRUARY 2013

FRAGO FOR MONDAY - We will meet in THAYER HALL, 4TH FLOOR ENTRANCE at 0530. The weather is supposed to be icy/rainy, so there is a chance that Gillis won't be open and the run to and from will be dangerous.  Please let everyone know - THAYER HALL for Monday!!  

Announcements:  Today we will meet at Thayer Hall - 4th Floor entrance!!

Equipment required:  Wrist watch and a motivated partner!!!

Warm-up and instruction:  Your jog down will serve as your individual warm-up.  We will brief the WOD and then get started no later 0540.


Partner Track Ladder

Person A - Run 1 lap (approx. 200 meters)
Person B - Rest and cheer.
Once Person A returns, Person B runs 1 lap and Person A rests.
After both complete 1 lap that is one round complete, then continue this process but ADD 1 lap every round.

Post partner's name and number of rounds complete to comments.

Friday, 8 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - today we will meet in the '62 room and then move to up to Hayes Gym for the WOD if space is tight.   I have a doctor's appointment off-post in the morning, so I will unfortunately miss out with the morning crew!!!!

***There is a chance we will be in CODE RED because of snow.  Check out this link to see if we are.  If CODE RED, then do the WOD when the gym opens if you can!!**

Equipment required - piece of paper and pen....and of course motivation!!

Warm-up and instruction - Matt will demo each of the movements and give everyone a chance to practice.


Tabata fun!!

Air squats
Rowers (ab exercise)

If you aren't familiar with the tabata format, you do 20 seconds of work (i.e. push-ups) and 10 seconds of rest for a total of 8 rounds.  Once you've done all 8 rounds of push-ups (takes 4 mins.) then you move immediately to Tabata squats.  Once again, 20 seconds of air squats, 10 seconds of rest, for 8 rounds.

Your score for each exercise is equal to the LOWEST number of reps that you achieved per exercise over the 8 rounds.  For example, if over the 8 rounds of push-ups, if the fewest I do in 20 seconds is 12, then my score is 12.

Post score for each exercise to comments.

Thursday, 7 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - this morning we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room.  Please try to arrive as early as possible so we can claim some space.  It is also a partner WOD, so find someone of near equal size and strength. 

Equipment required - barbell with appropriate weight & towel

Warm-up and instruction - immediately upon arrival start your personal warm-up.  Matt and I will walk around and provide instruction and coaching for the thruster.  Additionally, I will take folks on a quick jog of the running route.


Partner Thruster Ladder

Person A - max reps of Thrusters (45 lbs.) until Person B returns
Person B - run 200 meters (3rd floor weight room to wall past Stairway to Heaven)
Switch roles and after each person has done both roles, add  weight (10/5 lbs.) to each side.

NOTE:  Keep a running total of thrusters complete.
NOTE2:  Scale as needed -  both men and women start out using the 45 lbs. bar and each round men will add a total of 20 lbs. and women add a total of 10 lbs. 

Post partner's name, total reps completed, and number of rounds complete (add associated load).

Wednesday, 6 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - today we will meet in the '62 room.

Equipment required - Bring a your jump rope and TOWEL.  When you arrive grab a kettlebell and medicine ball per person.

Warm-up and instruction - Matt will discuss kettlebell swings and give everyone a chance to practice.  Adam will discuss strict pull-ups and weighted sit-ups.  


For time:
15 x strict pull-ups
30 x kettlebell swings (53/35 lbs.)
60 x weighed sit-ups (20/14 lbs. med ball)
Ride 5 miles on stationary bike

Cash-out:  100 double-unders for time (3:1 single-under substitution)

Post time to comments.

Tuesday, 5 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - today we will meet in the '62 room for individual warm-up and then movement to Hayes Gym for the WOD.

Equipment required - motivation and a watch!

Warm-up and instruction - we will briefly discuss each of the events and then give everyone a chance to practice each event.



Cross the horizontal ladder (AKA 'monkey bars')
Climb the rope (make sure you reach the 15' mark)
Run 2.5 laps (approx. 400 meters)
Rest 1 minute as you walk back to the start point

NOTE:  Scale as needed - use the cargo net in lieu of the rope if needed
NOTE2:  the 'rest' is just enough time for you to walk down the stairs and back to the start point!
NOTE3:  We did a similar WOD (only 12 minutes) back on 13 NOV 

Post number of rounds complete to comments.

Monday, 4 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room - please try to arrive as early as possible so we can claim some of the lifting platforms!  Today's WOD is strength focused, so join up with a person or two of similar size and strength.

Equipment required - Grab a lifting platform with barbell, also bring a towel!!

Warm-up and instruction - Once you arrive, start your individual warm-up.  Matt and I will go person to person to discuss points of performance and help coach on form.



15-12-9 reps of:
Clean and Jerk for load

NOTE:  There is NO time component for this WOD, focus on proper form.  Rest as needed between sets.
NOTE2:  To be considered RX'd, all reps each set should be unbroken (i.e. 'touch and go') and if you need to rest, then you must rest with the barbell off the ground in either the front rack position, bar held in the crease of your hips, etc.  
NOTE3:  Check out a good demo video for GWEN posted by CrossFit HQ
NOTE4:  Scale as needed - if you need to put the barbell down to rest or regrip for safety reasons, then by all means do it!!!  This isn't the CrossFit do the smart thing!

Post loads to comments.