Announcements: West Point WOD for Warriors - sign-up at:
Equipment needed: Set-up rings on the pull-up rig, grab a medicine ball of appropriate weight, and bring your jump rope! If you don't have a jump should really think about getting one! Even a $5 cheap one will do.
Warm-up and instruction: We still start off with a brief demo of each of the movements and give everyone a chance to practice each exercise. Matt will lead the group through med ball cleans and then we will break out to the other exercises.
3 rounds for total reps. For each exercise, you will do max reps in 45 seconds of work and then rest 15 seconds while transitioning to next exercise.
Ring dips
Double-unders (sub: 3-1 single-unders or 1:1 tuck jumps)
Weighted sit-ups (20/14 lbs.)
Medicine ball cleans (20/14 lbs.)
NOTE: If we have a big crew, then we might need to mix up the sequence of movements.
please note that we will have to see what the deal with the '62 room is in the morning. I've heard that they moved things around and so we will adapt and overcome! Come ready to do some work and we will get it done!!
great to see a big crew despite the demise of the '62 room as we know. Thanks for being adaptive and fighting through the noise - remember do not let the little things get you down! Adapt and overcome! Remember the beauty of CrossFit is it can be done anywhere with just about anything!
I believe I did 382 reps total, but I may have lost count. Med ball cleans smoked me and I made up huge ground with the double-unders.
Same deal as MAJ Grim. Double Unders were my saving grace.
Today is also my 1 year mark since I started B&G in 2011. I just wanted to say thanks to the morning crew for a great year. I've seen great results and I am never going back to where I was before.
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