Thursday, 25 OCTOBER 2012

Announcements:  West Point WOD for Warriors - sign-up at:

If you really want to get a West Point WOD for Warriors shirt, but you can't be physically present to do it, there is now a 'remote' option.  This means you do the WOD whenever and where ever you want and you can email in your score to be added among those who've taken on the WOD.  You are obviously welcome and encouraged to do the WOD for Warriors for free, but if you want a shirt, you've gotta register this week as the shirt order goes in on Saturday.

Today we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room - bring your jump rope!

Equipment needed:  1 x barbell per person (we will run multiple heats) + jump rope

Warm-up and instruction:  We still start off with a brief demo of each of the movements and give everyone a chance to practice each.  Matt will demo the various options for Ground to Overhead (i.e. snatch, clean and jerk, modified thruster) and Adam will discuss points of performance.  Everyone will get a chance to practice.


AMRAP 3 - Ground to Overhead (115/75)

then jog on down to Hayes Gym and knock out a classic benchmark!


50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double-unders (3:1 single under sub or 1:1 tuck jumps)
Sit-ups (APFT standard - if you can anchor your feet, then hook your heals on the end of a mat)

Compare to: 6 OCT 2011

Post number of GTOs and time for Annie to comments.


Mickey said...

17 reps 115#
Snatch for first 4, then C&J

7:12 for the Annie (8:52 last time on 13June12)

Did it rx'd w/ an Abmat

Adam said...

19 reps at 115 lbs.

6:43.57 for Annie (4 seconds better than last time). I'm not sure I can do it any faster!! Everything was unbroken and although my feet were unanchored, I hooked my heals on the mat.

Nice work by everyone this morning!

Matt said...


Ground to overhead as Rx'd: 20

Annie: 6:44

I almost did all the double-unders unbroken.

Anonymous said...

21 reps at 95 lbs, 9:53 for Annie. Need to get better at those double-unders so I'm not wasting all that time doing the 3:1 ratio.

Caleb said...

13 reps at 115 first 5 snatch then last 8 clean and jerk/press
8:09 for Annie, my tail bone is rubbed raw from Miad tryouts so I did more or a full body crunch to keep the pressure off my tailbone.

jswobe said...

subbed hang power cleans for the GTO (AMRAP 3): 35 reps

Annie: 6:52 (23 seconds better than last time)