Monday, 6 June

Death by Wall Climbs

30 x Wall Climbs for time.

Note - every time you have to stop and rest, do 25 x air squats and 10 x rowers (APRT ab exercise)

The Wall Climb is an exercise in which you start in the push-up position with your feet against a wall and you use your hands and legs to walk your body toward the wall until you are in the handstand position with your chest touching the wall.  Youtube has some good videos if you need a visual.

The rower is an ab exercise that is part of the new APRT.  Start laying flat on your back with your arms and legs extended and locked out.  Sit-up and bring your legs in until your feet are flat on the ground and your arms are fully extended in front of you.  Return to start position and repeat (try not to bang your head!).


jswobe said...

why am i the first to post?? It's already after lunch!!

19 mins and some change

My timer stopped so I guess-timated.

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Adam said...

I did another vacation WOD, didn't have a good place to do wall climbs.

I did 3 rounds of:
20 x big rock thrusters (probably about a 30 lbs. rock)
20 x rowers
20 x burpees
5 x C2B pull-ups
5 x chin-ups


Let's just say I planned to do 5 rounds, but after nearly having a heat stroke (it was 93 outside), I decided to cut it to 3 rounds and then swim.

JWM said...

So if any of your are ever in the Richmond, VA area, I strongly recommend coming to CrossFit RVA. They are a great gym with some great coaches. I have been working on my power clean here and got a 30 lb PR (215 lbs) thanks so some awesome coaching.

Hope all is well at USMA!