4th floor basketball gym:
Suicides (freethrow line, midcourt, freethrow line, baseline)
50 pushups
Bear crawl length of basketball court
40 pushups
Bear crawl length of basketball court
30 pushups
Bear crawl to half court and back
Transition: Stair loop
2nd floor basketball gym:
100 4-count flutter kicks
20 x Iron Abs
Lunges (length of the basketball court)
20 normal burpees
Reverse Lunges (length of basketball court)
Burpee broad jumps (length of basketball court)
Wall sit – 2 min
Transition: Stair loop (back to your original gym)
Post time to comments.
Start in 2nd floor gym. Stair loop was modified gym loop from basement to 4th floor.
Gregg, thanks for the push.
18 mins +/- 5 seconds
What a huge group today!
my triceps were screaming during those bear crawls.
good workout!
Have a good weekend.
17:30 - 18:00... I left the 4th floor gym at 16:09, so however long it took me to get back to the 2nd floor gym is my time. It should be just under 18:00.
Nice turn out this morning. Good WOD Tony.
End of week 2 of crossfit. Hopefully week 3's times will drop... Hopefully
Thanks to Bob and Gregg for hooking me up with the CF North Atlanta Affiliate this morning. We did the Power Clean (1-1-1-1-1-1-1). Jason led some great instruction and think my form got a lot better (105, 125, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185). I'd encourage you to check CFNA out if you're ever that way.
Their warm-up was new to me and a good change of pace:
-400m row
10 Reps each of the following:
-Goblet Squats
-Pistols (5 each leg)
-Handstand kick-ups (alternating kick-up leg...yeah, try it...I thought I was halfway coordinated til I tried to kick up with my "non-dominant" leg...I looked ridonkulous on these)
-Burpee Box Jumps
-GHD Sit-ups
Look forward to seeing you guys next week! Anyone know what time the gym opens Monday AM? Would love to get a crew together if anyone is around. OK, I've more than taken up my space. Have a great weekend...Peace out, Cub Scout...
Did Helen with the lunch group today.
8:13(PR) This is 30 seconds faster than my time in December.
Today was a good day.
Missed this morning for D2 Sandhurst. We did 8 sets of suicides on the stairway to heaven (basement to first floor to basement to second... to first)
Also did the missed Ground to Overhead for 7000lbs
85lbs, 43 snatch, 40 clean and jerk, 10-15 min, no timer
10,9,8...1 pull-ups with 5-10 sec in between.
Good luck getting back it, MAJ Blackmon
did Row repeats:
4 rnds of 500m row (2 min of rest between)
Continuous clock: 13:53
Also did jacob's ladder in the 62 room cardio side:
10:00min; 723meters
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