Thursday 9/17/09

For time.

18-14-10 reps of:

Dead lift (225lb/185lb)
Flying pull up

Post time to comments.

Demonstration of the flying pull up can be seen here, and I will demonstrate tomorrow morning at 0530.

Scale the dead lift as needed.


Anonymous said...

Just to be sure, every jump to a higher level counts as one pullup, and working your way down doesn't count for anything, right?

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Mac--That's right.

Oh about bad omen' word verification below is burpees. I think I just threw up a little.

Chris said...

DNF...last flying pullup of the first round, tore a huge flapper...couldn't grip the DL bar. Might think about taping next time.

JWhips said...

Tough WOD. One tear per hand. Good times.

Recommended WOD for tomorrow: 1 round for time of continuous sleep. Longer is better.

SB said...

13:42 scaled DL to 185lbs

What will tomorrow bring?

Unknown said...

Scaled to 185#

ChadC said...


Despite tape still tore both hands. Slowed me down a lot.

derekmeatwad said...

I cut the hell out of my hand and took a picture how do I post it?

WOD-5:38 as Rx'd

Gregg said...

15:35, i feel my form is getting a little better, still needs a lot of work

Anonymous said...

9:28 with a tape delay
so that's what it feels like to get your calices ripped off...learn something new everyday!

SB said...

B&G nation--
Check out this link that has a video showing how to tape your hands and also how to care for your calluses. This should help out some what:

Anonymous said...

5:20. Thanks to all your comments I wrapped my hands with plenty of tape before starting. Nice "relaxing" WOD on the legs after the last few days.

JWM said...

Anybody know if there is some tape over in the Crossfit room?

NM said...


Gotta work on DL form...was just "muscling" the weight up after awhile. Hands feel great...

See you all tomorrow for CF Friday!

Anonymous said...

Is there a substitute for the flying pullups? We don't exactly have those capabilities at ft sill

Vanilla Gorilla said...

8:52 as rx'd

Thanks to Sam for the push and we had a nice little group do the WOD at 1100.

The tape video was a great tool, my hands are very thankful.

Unknown said...

7:31 (225# DL)

Solid group at 1100.

JWM said...

9:05 as Rx'd

Great WOD. Good to have a few of the crew in their during D hour today for some extra motivation.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

5:41 w/retape delay, thank you JWhip.

Guys...I know that I am not the first to say this but seriously...tape your hands. Props to Dubbs for realizing that by continuing he was going to do more harm than good. A good rip can take you out of commission for a few days and it is not worth it. Shave your caluses, if you get a rip (and I've had many, that's why I'm lecturing) stop and find something else to do or at least cover the rip so it doesn't get worse. There was a whole lot of blood on bars today, which is unsanitary as hell, so if you rip, clean up.

Lastly, Meatwad, I won't post any pictures of torn hands. That would be like posting a picture of a broken down truck because we forgot to PMCS it. Your hands are part of your equipment, you should take care of them. Pushing through a workout once you really rip can take you out for days and then you miss training time. Unless it is a competition, I would say that pushing through rips is not really in your best interest and not something we should celebrate. I have ripped my hands before and I'm sure I will rip them again but everytime I do it, I later reflect on how stupid it was and how I let my ego get in the way of doing the smart thing.

Just a thought.

Stroh's Lite said...

12:22 as rx'd great WOD!

LDO said...

Working my way back from a minor knee issue... scaled to 155# for Deadlifts. Clearly will go up in weight next time.

Completed first two rounds w/ flying pull-ups.
Tore a callous on the last rep of the set of 14.
On the last set subbed regular pullups.
Time: 14:49

Regarding sub for flying pullups, I read elsewhere that Chest-to-Bar pullups are the next best thing (but no way equal) to flying Pull Ups.

Demet-hook said...


Surprised myself on this one...

Maj said...

7:11...good WOD

Paul Mary said...

did Wed. WOD- 12:47

MBK said...


JJ said...

8:00 as Rx'd, no tears, little tape. Need to figure out how to get faster...

Anonymous said...

0550 -
USAFA CF Thursday

1500 - WOD

Had to sub sideways flying pull-ups on two adjacent bars. Destroyed my palms. No rips, just a lot of tender skin and developing blisters.

Jimmy said...

accidentally did 18-14-12-10.
Modified flying pull-ups
Thanks much to SSG Card (DMI) for completely fixing my Deadlift form. Huge difference
Did 229# for DL.