Announcements - we will meet in the '62 Room for the WOD and then head up to the 3rd floor weight room for the cash-out. I want to ensure everyone has time for the cash-out, so we will start the WOD NLT 0545 so we have time for both events. This should be a very fast WOD, so if we can run a second group after the first finishes, if needed.
Equipment required - pair of dumbbells of appropriate size for the WOD and a TOWEL and bench for the cash-out.
Warm-up and instruction - We will discuss both movements from the WOD and give everyone a chance to practice each.
5 rounds for time:
12 x dumbbell push press (30/15 lbs. each)
12 x walking lunges holding one dumbbell at your chest (one step = one rep)
Max reps until failure of bench press (load = 75% of your body weight)
NOTE: If we are short on dumbbells, you can substitute kettlebell swings for the push presses.
NOTE2: Use a spotter for the bench press and scale as needed. If 75% of your body weight is close to your one rep max, then go to 50% of body weight.
Post time for WOD and number of reps complete for cash-out to comments.
25 lb plates. Would have used 35 but did a similar workout yesterday and that got heavy quick.
16x120 on the bench.
5x1000m intervals w/ orienteering today.
3:03 w/ 40 lb dumbell
22 reps @ 165 lbs for bench
I used 35 pound plates, 5:28. 20 reps @ 120 pounds on bench.
that was fast and furious!
4:24 w/ 30 lbs. dumbbells
23 reps at 140 lbs.
Afterwards I did a battling ropes workout with Matt. It was definitely different and challenging!
WOD: 4:05 with 15 lb dumbbells
Cash out: 17 reps at 75 lbs
That was down and dirty.
35lbs dumbbells: 3:59
140lbs bench: 21 reps
Some battling ropes with Adam. Each did 8 rounds of :40 (alternating)
Sorry I didn't make it this morning, I did a TRX workout, steelbell, and rope workout with Colonel Burgess at the MWR.
25# dumbbell: 3:30
10 reps of bench at 135#
5 rds: 4:15 (I think...maybe 4:05)
6 rds: 4:52 (extra credit!)
Bench: 15 reps @ 145
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