Monday, 26 NOVEMBER 2012

Announcements:  Welcome back from the long weekend!  I hope that you did SOMETHING to stay active over the break and that you broke a sweat doing something more than just eating too much!!!!

Today we will meet in the '62 room and focus initially on gymnastic skills.  We will then transition to a quick WOD.

Equipment needed:  Set up all the rings at waist height.

Warm-up and instruction:  Matt will lead the group through muscle-up progressions and then everyone will have a chance to work on muscle-ups.  Adam will lead the group through handstand holds and shoulder touches and then everyone will have the change to work on each skill.


AMRAP 3 - Muscle-ups (scale = jumping muscle-ups or 3:1 chest to bar pull-ups and ring dips)
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 3 - Handstand shoulder touches  (note: one touch = one rep; scale = hand release handstands or handstand holds for time)

Post number of muscle-ups and handstand shoulder touches to comments.


Mickey said...

Muscle Ups - 13
HS Touches - 94

First 14 w/ back to wall
Next 80 facing wall

Tried to get to 100 but my oxygen got cut off and i was unable to breathe for about the last 15 seconds

Adam said...

it was great to see a bunch of folks there this morning after the long weekend!

I got crushed on muscle-ups, definitely need to practice more often!

4 jumping muscle-ups...yes, 4!

114 shoulder touches - all facing the wall

Fun times!

Anonymous said...

15 transition (?) muscle ups.
50 shoulder touches, facing the wall.
3:13 for 100 situp cash-out afterwards... had a little extra time so I figured I'd throw that in.

Matt said...


I really blew the muscle-up part of the WOD. Usually and I can 5-6 in a row and then triples after that. I blame slippery hands, a poor warm-up, being sore and every other belly aching excuse out there. The bottom line is that it sucked and some times it is just like that.

MU: 5
ST: 130

R.K. Barker said...

That was tough today, but fun. 12 transitioning muscle ups and 50 handstand shoulder touches, those felt pretty weird, looking forward to practicing them more.

jswobe said...

Holy crap.

5 jumping muscle ups.

Shoulder touches were all wrong...I think I will redo again next week sometime...