Announcements: Today we will meet at the 4th floor entrance of Thayer Hall.
Today is a partner WOD, so grab your roommate, your entire squad, your friend, or a random stranger in your company and come out out!!!
Equipment needed: Motivation!
Person A: Run 400 meters (one lap around Thayer 3rd floor)
Person B: Rest.
Switch roles when Person A completes their lap.
NOTE: One round = after BOTH partners complete a lap.
Post partner's name and rounds complete to comments.
Thursday, 29 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements: We will meet in the 3rd floor weight room today. Try to arrive as early as possible so we can grab the needed space.
Equipment needed: TOWEL and barbell
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will demo the front squat and Adam will provide points of performance. Everyone will then have a chance to practice.
Partner Front Squat Ladder, Reverse Beat the Clock
Front squat with increasing load
You and your partner have 2 minutes to complete each round. The barbell starts from the ground and you can use any method you'd prefer to get it off the ground. Once either you or your partner cannot hang, it becomes an individual effort. Start at 45 lbs. and increase the load by 20 lbs. each round.
Example: Person A does 10 front squats at 45 lbs., then Person B does 10 front squats at 45 lbs. Rest the remainder of the 2 minutes and add 10 lbs. to each side. Then Person A does 9 reps at 65 lbs., Person B does 9 reps at 65 lbs., then rest and adjust weights. Continue this sequence until one person is unable to complete the reps in time. After that point the other person continues on as an individual effort.
Post results and partner's name to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 28 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements: Today we will meet in the '62 room.
Equipment needed: Bring an assault pack or weighted vest weighing approximately 25 lbs. If need be, bring your assault pack and load in a 25 lbs. plate - just be sure to return the weight before you leave!! Also, grab one kettle bell or dumb bell per person.
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will lead the group through kettle bell swings, Adam discuss pull-ups, and then everyone gets a chance to practice each wearing their assault pack.
"Heavy Helen" - wear your 25 lbs. assault pack or weighted vest for the entire WOD!!!
3 rounds for time - 25 minute time limit!
Run 1 x super gym loop (basement all the way to the top floor!)
21 x kettle bell swings (70/53) [note: scale as needed to maintain intensity!]
12 x pull-ups [beyond rx'd - scale up to chest to bar pull-ups!!]
NOTE: Right now we can only find 1 x 70 lbs. kettle bell in the '62 room. So either use a dumb bell or scale to 53 lbs. if the 70 lbs. KB is in use when you need it.
NOTE2: Scale as needed to maintain intensity - you can drop your assault pack if needed for an exercise if needed.
Post time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 27 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements: We will meet in the '62 Room...see you there bright and early!!
Equipment needed: Medicine ball and jump rope.
Warm-up and instruction: Matt with lead the group through med ball clean progression sequence and everyone will have a chance to practice. We will then give everyone a chance to practice wall ball shots and double-unders for a bit.
25 x wall ball shots (20/14) at 10' mark
50 x double-unders (3:1 single-under or 1:1 tuck jump sub)
Rest 5 minutes, then
15 x wall ball shots
25 x double-unders
Post number of rounds complete for each AMRAP to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 26 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements: Welcome back from the long weekend! I hope that you did SOMETHING to stay active over the break and that you broke a sweat doing something more than just eating too much!!!!
Today we will meet in the '62 room and focus initially on gymnastic skills. We will then transition to a quick WOD.
Equipment needed: Set up all the rings at waist height.
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will lead the group through muscle-up progressions and then everyone will have a chance to work on muscle-ups. Adam will lead the group through handstand holds and shoulder touches and then everyone will have the change to work on each skill.
AMRAP 3 - Muscle-ups (scale = jumping muscle-ups or 3:1 chest to bar pull-ups and ring dips)
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 3 - Handstand shoulder touches (note: one touch = one rep; scale = hand release handstands or handstand holds for time)
Post number of muscle-ups and handstand shoulder touches to comments.
Today we will meet in the '62 room and focus initially on gymnastic skills. We will then transition to a quick WOD.
Equipment needed: Set up all the rings at waist height.
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will lead the group through muscle-up progressions and then everyone will have a chance to work on muscle-ups. Adam will lead the group through handstand holds and shoulder touches and then everyone will have the change to work on each skill.
AMRAP 3 - Muscle-ups (scale = jumping muscle-ups or 3:1 chest to bar pull-ups and ring dips)
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 3 - Handstand shoulder touches (note: one touch = one rep; scale = hand release handstands or handstand holds for time)
Post number of muscle-ups and handstand shoulder touches to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 23 NOVEMBER 2012
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Two things for today -
1) Stay active - if you skipped out yesterday, then you MUST get after it today! Make-up yesterday's WOD AND do today's!!
2) Take a picture of yourself workout out while wearing either your Black and Gold CrossFit t-shirt or your WOD for Warriors shirt. Email it to me: and I will post this weekend so we can see how everyone spent their long weekend! You don't have to be doing a WOD, you can simply be playing football, wrestling with your friends, and showing your family members how to do handstand push-ups! Regardless, do something active while representing B&G/West Point!
"Create your own WOD" - the mission for today is for YOU to create your own WOD with the equipment you have available to you. It is supposed to be a strength focused day, so if you can incorporate any weight lifting or strength training, that would be great! Remember that you don't need barbells, wall balls, or pull-up bars to do great WODs - find a heavy rock, use a 50 lbs. bag of concrete or sand, grab that big bag of dog food, use a tree limb or play ground for pull-ups, knees to elbows, etc.!! Be creative and let everyone know what you came up with!
Post WOD details and results to comments and email picture of yourself getting after it!!
Two things for today -
1) Stay active - if you skipped out yesterday, then you MUST get after it today! Make-up yesterday's WOD AND do today's!!
2) Take a picture of yourself workout out while wearing either your Black and Gold CrossFit t-shirt or your WOD for Warriors shirt. Email it to me: and I will post this weekend so we can see how everyone spent their long weekend! You don't have to be doing a WOD, you can simply be playing football, wrestling with your friends, and showing your family members how to do handstand push-ups! Regardless, do something active while representing B&G/West Point!
"Create your own WOD" - the mission for today is for YOU to create your own WOD with the equipment you have available to you. It is supposed to be a strength focused day, so if you can incorporate any weight lifting or strength training, that would be great! Remember that you don't need barbells, wall balls, or pull-up bars to do great WODs - find a heavy rock, use a 50 lbs. bag of concrete or sand, grab that big bag of dog food, use a tree limb or play ground for pull-ups, knees to elbows, etc.!! Be creative and let everyone know what you came up with!
Post WOD details and results to comments and email picture of yourself getting after it!!
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Thursday, 22 NOVEMBER 2012
Photo challenge - take a picture of yourself wearing either a Black and Gold CF t-shirt or a WOD for Warriors t-shirt. Email pix to: and I will upload the compilation on Sunday evening for everyone's entertainment!
I am very thankful for all of you who continue to push yourselves and each other physically and mentally and make us all stronger! We've had a great morning crew so far this year and I am very thankful for all of you that come in bright and early and get after it!
Just because it's Turkey Day, doesn't mean that you should sleep late, eat like a pig, and blow off your personal fitness! Today you have two options and you should do your very best to do one of the following:
Option A:
For time -
25 x push-ups
25 x sit-ups
Run 1 mile
50 x push-ups
50 x sit-ups
Run 1 mile
25 x push-ups
25 x sit-ups
Option B:
Get outside and RUN! Go for at least 30 minutes and try to mix in at least 6 intervals in. For the intervals, pick a amount of time (i.e. 30 seconds) or a distance (i.e. approx. 200 meters, 2 light poles on your street, etc.) and do an all out sprint for that duration/distance, and then return to your regular running pace. Intervals help fire up your metabolism and help build speed, strength, and cardio endurance!
Post your option of choice and results to comments.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Photo challenge - take a picture of yourself wearing either a Black and Gold CF t-shirt or a WOD for Warriors t-shirt. Email pix to: and I will upload the compilation on Sunday evening for everyone's entertainment!
I am very thankful for all of you who continue to push yourselves and each other physically and mentally and make us all stronger! We've had a great morning crew so far this year and I am very thankful for all of you that come in bright and early and get after it!
Just because it's Turkey Day, doesn't mean that you should sleep late, eat like a pig, and blow off your personal fitness! Today you have two options and you should do your very best to do one of the following:
Option A:
For time -
25 x push-ups
25 x sit-ups
Run 1 mile
50 x push-ups
50 x sit-ups
Run 1 mile
25 x push-ups
25 x sit-ups
Option B:
Get outside and RUN! Go for at least 30 minutes and try to mix in at least 6 intervals in. For the intervals, pick a amount of time (i.e. 30 seconds) or a distance (i.e. approx. 200 meters, 2 light poles on your street, etc.) and do an all out sprint for that duration/distance, and then return to your regular running pace. Intervals help fire up your metabolism and help build speed, strength, and cardio endurance!
Post your option of choice and results to comments.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 21 NOVEMBER 2012
Today there is a modified schedule which sadly means no morning crew!! Arvin opens at regular hours, so try to find time for one last WOD before Thanksgiving Leave!!
Get some and leave some room for dessert!!!!
11 x gobble-gobble, goblet squats (53/35)
11 x leftover lunges (weighted with 53/35 KB in each hand)
11 x cranberry sauce sit-ups (weighted with 5335 KB on chest)
11 x mashed potatoes to bar (toes to the bar in case you didn't get the pun!)
400 meter turkey trot (run Gym Loop)
Dessert (cash-out)
Handstands ala mode! (max rounds of: 45 second handstand hold, rest 45 seconds)
NOTE: Once you aren't able to hold the handstand for 45 seconds straight, you are done!
Post number of rounds complete for the main course and dessert to comments! Also, share with everyone what your favorite dish was!!
Get some and leave some room for dessert!!!!
11 x gobble-gobble, goblet squats (53/35)
11 x leftover lunges (weighted with 53/35 KB in each hand)
11 x cranberry sauce sit-ups (weighted with 5335 KB on chest)
11 x mashed potatoes to bar (toes to the bar in case you didn't get the pun!)
400 meter turkey trot (run Gym Loop)
Dessert (cash-out)
Handstands ala mode! (max rounds of: 45 second handstand hold, rest 45 seconds)
NOTE: Once you aren't able to hold the handstand for 45 seconds straight, you are done!
Post number of rounds complete for the main course and dessert to comments! Also, share with everyone what your favorite dish was!!
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 20 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcement: This morning we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room.
Equipment required: try to grab 3 of the lifting platforms and set-up bars for deadlifts. Also, depending on how many folks we have, we may need to double or triple up. Find a person or two of near equal size and strength to team up with.
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will demo the deadlift and Adam will provide points of performance. Everyone will get a chance to practice the deadlift to ensure they have the proper form before adding load.
Today's WOD has three movements - the deadlift, mountain climbers, and hand-release push-ups. The deadlift is UNTIMED and the goal is to focus on proper form and building strength. The mountain climbers and hand-release push-ups will be done in between each set of deadlifts and the goal is max reps in 1 minute.
Deadlift for load
Rest as needed between each set, but knock out an AMRAP 1 of either mountain climbers or hand-release push-ups after each set of deadlifts. Example: Do 7 reps of deadlifts, knock out 1 min. of mountain climbers, then do 7 reps of deadlifts, and do 1 min. of HR push-ups. Continue this process until complete.
Post loads for deadlift and number of reps complete for each AMRAP to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 19 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcement: Warm-up quickly and get ready for the WOD brief at 0535 with a start time of NLT 0540.
Equipment required: bring your jump rope and reflective belt!
Warm-up and instruction: Work on those double-unders!!!
Today is a blast from the past! See how much you've improved!
For time:
100 x double-unders (3:1 single-under sub or 1:1 tuck jumps)
Run 1 mile (Koscuiko's Monument and back)
Ride 5km (3.2 miles) - pick a bike you like, set the resistance to what you want, and then ride!
Run 1 mile
100 x double-unders
Compare to: 16 DEC 2011
Post time to comments.
Equipment required: bring your jump rope and reflective belt!
Warm-up and instruction: Work on those double-unders!!!
Today is a blast from the past! See how much you've improved!
For time:
100 x double-unders (3:1 single-under sub or 1:1 tuck jumps)
Run 1 mile (Koscuiko's Monument and back)
Ride 5km (3.2 miles) - pick a bike you like, set the resistance to what you want, and then ride!
Run 1 mile
100 x double-unders
Compare to: 16 DEC 2011
Post time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 16 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements - West Point WOD for Warriors shirts...still only $15 each or 2 for $25. If you are interested, please email me:
We will meet up in the '62 room to warm-up and brief the WOD. If we have a big group, then we will go to Hayes Gym for the WOD.
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will demo exercises and Adam will discuss points of performance for each. Then everyone gets a chance to practice.
3 minute pull-up test (kipping is authorized)
Rest 3 minutes, then:
3 x wall climbs
5 x strict pull-ups
7 x burpees
Post number of pull-ups complete and number of rounds complete to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Thursday, 15 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements - West Point WOD for Warriors shirts...still only $15 each or 2 for $25. If you are interested, please email me:
We will meet in the 3rd floor weight room. Please bring a towel and motivation!
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will demo exercises and Adam will discuss points of performance for each. Then everyone gets a chance to practice.
Today is a partner WOD, so find someone of near equal size and ability, partner up and get after it!
3 rounds for time:
AMRAP 1 - Squat cleans (95/65)
Rest while partner does AMRAP 1 - Squat cleans
AMRAP 1 - Overhead squat (95/65)
Rest while partner does AMRAP 1 - OHS
AMRAP 1 - Sumo deadlift high-pull (95/65)
Rest while partner does AMRAP 1 - SDHP
Post partner's name and number of reps per round to comments.
We will meet in the 3rd floor weight room. Please bring a towel and motivation!
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will demo exercises and Adam will discuss points of performance for each. Then everyone gets a chance to practice.
Today is a partner WOD, so find someone of near equal size and ability, partner up and get after it!
3 rounds for time:
AMRAP 1 - Squat cleans (95/65)
Rest while partner does AMRAP 1 - Squat cleans
AMRAP 1 - Overhead squat (95/65)
Rest while partner does AMRAP 1 - OHS
AMRAP 1 - Sumo deadlift high-pull (95/65)
Rest while partner does AMRAP 1 - SDHP
Post partner's name and number of reps per round to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 14 NOVEMBER 2012
5 rounds for time
10 x knees to elbows
15 x hand release push-ups
20 x kettlebell swings (53/35)
Run Stairway to Heaven
Post time to comments.
5 rounds for time
10 x knees to elbows
15 x hand release push-ups
20 x kettlebell swings (53/35)
Run Stairway to Heaven
Post time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 13 NOVEMBER 2012
Welcome back from the long weekend!
We will link-up in the '62 room to warm-up for a bit and then move to Hayes to knock out a blast from the past!
If you want to pick up a West Point WOD for Warriors shirt, please let me know! $15 each or 2 for $25!
We will link-up in the '62 room to warm-up for a bit and then move to Hayes to knock out a blast from the past!
If you want to pick up a West Point WOD for Warriors shirt, please let me know! $15 each or 2 for $25!
Cross monkey bars - touch all bars!
Rope climb (15')
Run 2.5 laps (approx. 400 meters)
Rest 1 minute (during your 'rest' walk down the stairs back to the start point)
Compare to: 17 NOV 2011
Post number of rounds complete to comments.
Compare to: 17 NOV 2011
Post number of rounds complete to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 12 NOVEMBER 2012
HAPPY VETERANS DAY to all the past, present, and future veterans!
Today's WOD is simple - do something active to break a sweat and get your heart pumping. Today is supposed to be a weight lifting day, so if you have access to weights, get after it! If you don't have weights, then go for a run, ride your bike, walk with friends, go to the park, play sports, etc. You can also make-up the West Point WOD for Warriors Veterans Day WOD - over 100 people came to West Point to get after it and over 200 CrossFit affiliates worldwide did this WOD to honor the 22.7 million Veterans in the United States!
WOD for Warriors - Veterans Day (11/11/12)
11 x ground to overhead (95/65)
11 x bar-facing burpees
12 x wall ball shots (20/14) at 10 foot target
22 x double-unders (3:1 single-under sub)
7 x handstand push-ups
Also, we have sweet WOD for Warriors shirts available for ridiculously cheap! Next Level shirts - very nice for you and that special CrossFitter in your life! $15 each or 2 for $25! Email me at: if you are interested. Check out the shirt below!
Post activity to comments.
Today's WOD is simple - do something active to break a sweat and get your heart pumping. Today is supposed to be a weight lifting day, so if you have access to weights, get after it! If you don't have weights, then go for a run, ride your bike, walk with friends, go to the park, play sports, etc. You can also make-up the West Point WOD for Warriors Veterans Day WOD - over 100 people came to West Point to get after it and over 200 CrossFit affiliates worldwide did this WOD to honor the 22.7 million Veterans in the United States!
WOD for Warriors - Veterans Day (11/11/12)
11 x ground to overhead (95/65)
11 x bar-facing burpees
12 x wall ball shots (20/14) at 10 foot target
22 x double-unders (3:1 single-under sub)
7 x handstand push-ups
Also, we have sweet WOD for Warriors shirts available for ridiculously cheap! Next Level shirts - very nice for you and that special CrossFitter in your life! $15 each or 2 for $25! Email me at: if you are interested. Check out the shirt below!
Post activity to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Saturday & Sunday, 10 - 11 NOVEMBER 2012
We had a HUGE turnout for West Point WOD for Warriors! Over 100 firebreathers from West Point and 4 other local CrossFit boxes came out and crushed a TOUGH WOD in front of a big crowd in the Teen Center. Many thanks to all those from Black and Gold CrossFit and West Point who helped out - Leigh, Chelley, Ben, Darrin, RK, Sweddy, Sam, Jacquie, Brett, Josh, Danielle, Jordan, and several others! It truly takes a village to pull off such an incredible event!!
Congrats to Jordan Inman, Matt Radik, and Eric Gust for taking the Top 3 in the competition division.
If you missed out and you'd still like to show your support - you can purchase a limited edition West Point WOD for Warriors Veterans Day shirt! They are high quality, Next Level shirts and you cannot find such a sweet CrossFit shirt for such a ridiculously low price. $15 each or 2 for $25. Add $5 for shipping for every two shirts you purchase. All proceeds benefit WOD for Warriors ( & West Point MWR.
If you are interested, please email me at
Check it out:
Congrats to Jordan Inman, Matt Radik, and Eric Gust for taking the Top 3 in the competition division.
If you missed out and you'd still like to show your support - you can purchase a limited edition West Point WOD for Warriors Veterans Day shirt! They are high quality, Next Level shirts and you cannot find such a sweet CrossFit shirt for such a ridiculously low price. $15 each or 2 for $25. Add $5 for shipping for every two shirts you purchase. All proceeds benefit WOD for Warriors ( & West Point MWR.
If you are interested, please email me at
Check it out:
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 9 NOVEMBER 2012
Today is the WOD for Warriors at the Youth Activities Center (BLDG 500) near Keller Army Hospital. The action kicks off around 1700 (beginners) and goes until around 2100 (competition). We have several B&G members who are going to represent! If you still want to do the WOD at the event, come on down - walk-in registration is available! If you are away from West Point, you can still do the WOD - remember PT is ALWAYS free!!! Folks who do the WOD on-site pay and get a cool t-shirt...but you can always do the WOD somewhere else and not pay a dime!
Make-up day! If you have missed any of the WODs this week, now is the time to right that wrong and get it done! If you are doing the WOD for Warriors later today, use this time to either to a light workout (jog a few miles at an easy pace, work on some of your goats, etc.) or get some extra sleep!
I hit all the WODs this week, so I will be sleeping in a bit!
Post your chosen WOD and results. Also, if you do WOD for Warriors please post your results as well!
Make-up day! If you have missed any of the WODs this week, now is the time to right that wrong and get it done! If you are doing the WOD for Warriors later today, use this time to either to a light workout (jog a few miles at an easy pace, work on some of your goats, etc.) or get some extra sleep!
I hit all the WODs this week, so I will be sleeping in a bit!
Post your chosen WOD and results. Also, if you do WOD for Warriors please post your results as well!
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Thursday, 8 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements - 1 day until WOD for Warriors! Get ready!!
We will meet in the '62 room, warm-up, and get after it!
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will provide instruction on the one arm dumb bell snatch and then give everyone a chance to practice.
5 rounds for time
5 x one arm dumb bell snatch (each arm) - select the appropriate weight for you
15 x broad jumps
20 x weighted sit-ups (20/14)
Post weight of dumb bell and and time to comments.
We will meet in the '62 room, warm-up, and get after it!
Warm-up and instruction: Matt will provide instruction on the one arm dumb bell snatch and then give everyone a chance to practice.
5 rounds for time
5 x one arm dumb bell snatch (each arm) - select the appropriate weight for you
15 x broad jumps
20 x weighted sit-ups (20/14)
Post weight of dumb bell and and time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 7 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements - 2 days until WOD for Warriors!
Today we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room.
Equipment needed - 1 x barbell per set of partners + motivation and heart of a lion!
Warm-up and instruction - Matt will demo the thruster and Adam will provide points of performance.
Today's WOD is a partner WOD, so find a buddy and let's get after it!
Person A - runs from 3rd floor weight room down to the 62 room and knocks out 15 x pull-ups & then runs back up the Stairway to Heaven to tag out with partner.
Person B - does max reps of thrusters (95/65) while partner is gone.
Once Person A returns switch roles - Person A thrusters and Person B runs down to do pull-ups. Once both are complete, that is one round.
Post partner's name, number of rounds complete and running total of thrusters complete to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 6 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements - 3 days until WOD for Warriors!
Today we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room - be sure to bring a towel!! Work with a partner or two to minimize the amount of equipment we need.
For the cadets and officers who are platoon leaders or platoon mentors for the PME2 Leader Challenge, there is a "144 WOD" today run by the Leader Challenge team. If you are planning on doing the WOD, it is at 0530 at the River Courts. Uniform is PTs with necessary snivel will be cold! I (Adam) will be out doing this WOD, so I will miss the morning crew of B&G!
Equipment needed - Bring your jump rope; grab a few of the lifting platforms and get the bar set-up for deadlifts. Start light to warm-up.
Warm-up and instruction - Matt will demo the deadlift and points of performance. Everyone will then get a chance to practice and finish warming up.
5-5-5 Deadlift*
NOTE: After each set of 5 deadlifts, do double-unders for time (Advanced = 100, Intermediate = 50, Beginner = 25). The idea is not to spend a ton of time on double-unders (limit yourself 3 minutes each time), but practice stringing them together for time. You will do a total of 3 sets of double-unders.
NOTE2: Find a suitable place for double-unders - doing them in the 3rd floor weight room is probably a bad idea, so do them in the hall - leave enough room for people to walk by without being whipped in the face.
NOTE3: There is no time component to the deadlift portion, so focus on form and try for max load. Rest as needed between each set and before/after the double-unders.
Post loads for deadlifts and time to complete each of the double-under sets to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 5 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements: Great job to our CrossFit teams that competed against Air Force! They did an amazing job against the Zoomies!! It was a brutal fight to the end and we came up 1 point short!!
We will meet in the '62 room to warm-up and then we will move up to Hayes Gym if we need more space.
Warm-up and instruction: We will demo each movement and give everyone and opportunity to practice them.
WOD: Today is a twist on a classic benchmark WOD. She's a bit shorter and uglier than Cindy, but still should be a great challenge!!
Cindy's Ugly Little Sister
5 x handstand push-ups
10 x chest to bar pull-ups
15 x burpees
Post number of rounds complete to comments.
We will meet in the '62 room to warm-up and then we will move up to Hayes Gym if we need more space.
Warm-up and instruction: We will demo each movement and give everyone and opportunity to practice them.
WOD: Today is a twist on a classic benchmark WOD. She's a bit shorter and uglier than Cindy, but still should be a great challenge!!
Cindy's Ugly Little Sister
5 x handstand push-ups
10 x chest to bar pull-ups
15 x burpees
Post number of rounds complete to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Saturday & Sunday, 3-4 NOVEMBER 2012
I am extremely proud of the Black and Gold CrossFit team who battled Air Force in the 6th Annual Black and Blue competition. Our team fought hard and ended up 1 point short (16-15)!!! Our teams battled in 8 events: 1 mile run, power cleans (135/95), bench press (bodyweight), bar muscle-ups, double-unders, handstand push-ups, burpees, and knees to elbows! It was a brutal series of WODs and our competitors showed some extraordinary heart!
If you see any of our competitors, please pat them on the back and tell them job well done!
Great work by:
Jared Kayajan
Mickey Koss
Andrew Bovard
RK Barker
Caleb Cline
Caleb McDaniel
Anne Lee
Shaina Coss
Alex Cattley
Michael Shaeffer
Thomas Hinds
Sean Fullam
A big thanks to those who helped run the event: Josh and Danielle Hunter, Matt Radik, LTC W., Jordan Inman, Darren Griffin, and Ben & Chelley Macon.
The next big CrossFit event is the West Point WOD for Warriors on Friday, 9 NOVEMBER! If you haven't registered yet, act fast!
BEAT AIR FORCE!!!!!!!!!!
If you see any of our competitors, please pat them on the back and tell them job well done!
Great work by:
Jared Kayajan
Mickey Koss
Andrew Bovard
RK Barker
Caleb Cline
Caleb McDaniel
Anne Lee
Shaina Coss
Alex Cattley
Michael Shaeffer
Thomas Hinds
Sean Fullam
A big thanks to those who helped run the event: Josh and Danielle Hunter, Matt Radik, LTC W., Jordan Inman, Darren Griffin, and Ben & Chelley Macon.
The next big CrossFit event is the West Point WOD for Warriors on Friday, 9 NOVEMBER! If you haven't registered yet, act fast!
BEAT AIR FORCE!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 2 NOVEMBER 2012
Announcements - if you are competing against Air Force, then please do not feel compelled to come to the WOD this morning unless you want to practice the movements. For those who would like to cheer on Army against Air Force in CrossFit, come to the 3rd floor weight room at 1730. Competition lasts until approximately 1900.
Today we will meet in the 3rd Floor Weight Room.
Equipment needed - TOWEL!! + two lifting platforms and two benches.
Warm-up and instruction - Matt will demo the power clean and Adam will demo the bench press. Everyone will have an opportunity to practice each movement.
Partner WOD! Find someone of near equal ability level and pair up!
3 rounds for max reps of:
AMRAP 3 - Power Cleans (135/95)
AMRAP 3 - Body weight bench press (load = average of combined body weight)
NOTE: You and your partner have 3 minutes to complete as many Power Cleans as possible. You can break up the rep scheme however you'd like, but only one person can lift at any time. Once 3 minutes is up, move to bench. You have 1 minute to transition and adjust weights, etc.
NOTE2: For bench press it's the same plan as above. Your partner spots while you lift and switch out as needed. After 3 minutes, you have 1 minute to transition back to power cleans for Round 2.
NOTE3: Record number of reps for each exercise per round.
NOTE4: if we are tight on space, we may need to have some groups start on bench so we have both bench and power cleans continuously occupied.
NOTE5: Bring a towel.
Post partner's name, weight used, and number of reps per event per round to comments.
Today we will meet in the 3rd Floor Weight Room.
Equipment needed - TOWEL!! + two lifting platforms and two benches.
Warm-up and instruction - Matt will demo the power clean and Adam will demo the bench press. Everyone will have an opportunity to practice each movement.
Partner WOD! Find someone of near equal ability level and pair up!
3 rounds for max reps of:
AMRAP 3 - Power Cleans (135/95)
AMRAP 3 - Body weight bench press (load = average of combined body weight)
NOTE: You and your partner have 3 minutes to complete as many Power Cleans as possible. You can break up the rep scheme however you'd like, but only one person can lift at any time. Once 3 minutes is up, move to bench. You have 1 minute to transition and adjust weights, etc.
NOTE2: For bench press it's the same plan as above. Your partner spots while you lift and switch out as needed. After 3 minutes, you have 1 minute to transition back to power cleans for Round 2.
NOTE3: Record number of reps for each exercise per round.
NOTE4: if we are tight on space, we may need to have some groups start on bench so we have both bench and power cleans continuously occupied.
NOTE5: Bring a towel.
Post partner's name, weight used, and number of reps per event per round to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
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