Monday, 11/01/10

Squat snatch
Technique work


For weight:

Post deadlift weight to comments

Compare to 06/23/10

Saturday, 10/30/10 - Sunday 10/31/10

Rest Days.

Happy Halloween!  Stretch as you eat your candy so you are ready for next week!

Friday, 10/29/10

CrossFit Friday

Supe’s Loop (500 m)
Front Squat (155/85): 10-8-6-4-2
Pullups: 2-4-6-8-10
Supe’s Loop (500 m)

Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)
Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. (e.g. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.)

Thursday, 10/28/10

5 rounds of:
Row 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Run 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Bike 1 minute
Rest 1 minute

Bring a notepad and pen/pencil to record all distances.
Post total meters (row) and combined miles (run plus bike)

If you cannot get to a C2 Rower, you can substitute 45 pound sumo deadlift high pulls.  10 SDHP with 45 pounds is equivalent to 100 meters on the rower.

Wednesday, 10/27/10

10 x kettle bell swings (53/35)
20 x walking lunge steps (10 steps each leg)
30 x pushups
40 x air squats
50 x double unders

Post time to comments

If you have a jump rope, please bring it with you.  If you do not have one...spring for it.  They cost about $5 at the PX, Wal-Mart, or Target.

Run two miles at 90% of your max run speed.

Tuesday, 10/26/10

For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds
Push jerk, 75 pounds

Rest exactly 2 minutes then
AMRAP 2 minutes
Double Unders

Post time for WOD and reps for double unders to comments.

Here is an old video of the WOD [wmv] [mov]

This is a newer video with different athletes and a blazing time [wmv] [mov]

Remember that the CrossFit methodology is technique, consistency, then and only then, intensity.

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." ~Aristotle

Monday, 10/25/10

Ropes and Squats
For time:
5 Rope Climbs (15')
50 Squats
4 Rope Climbs
40 Squats
3 Rope Climbs
30 Squats
2 Rope Climbs
20 Squats
1 Rope Climb
10 Squats

Post time to comments

We are going to start programming 2-3 endurance WODs each week for those who are interested in focusing on their endurance.  We will post run workouts on the blog, but check out the CrossFit Endurance site for swim, bike, run, and row options.

Do this was at least three hours after the regular WOD.
Run: 3x1000m, 2 min recoveries, best possible pace

Saturday, 10/23/10 - Sunday 10/24/10

Rest days.  Enjoy the weekend and check out Mobility WOD to do some active rest!

Friday, 10/22/10


50 Wall balls (20/14)
20 Pullups
40 Wall balls
15 Pullups
30 Wall balls
10 Pullups
20 Wall balls
5 Pullups
10 Wall balls

Post time to comments

Thursday, 10/21/10

2 x back squat beginning at 75% of your one rep max weight
Perform two reps every minute on the minute, adding 10 lbs each round until failure

Post rounds and starting weight to comments

Wednesday, 10/20/10

AMRAP 15 (As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 minutes)

15 x kettle bell swing (53/35)
15 x box jumps
Gym Loop

Post rounds to comments

Tuesday, 10/19/10

Squat clean (135/95)
Ring dips

Post time to comments

Compare to 06/14/10

Monday, 10/18/10

Hayes Gym Track Intervals

10 rounds:
2 laps with exactly one minute of rest between rounds

Post total time comments

Friday, 10/15/10

CrossFit Friday

For time:
Stairway to heaven one-leg hop touching every step (switch legs at each landing)
20 Wall-balls
Stairway to heaven two-step jump
20 Wall-balls
Stairway to heaven three-step jump
20 wall-balls
Stairway to heaven four-step jump
20 wall-balls
Post time to comments.

Thursday, 10/14/10

Bike Day

Today we are going to keep it "constantly varied" and his an exercise we rarely do in Black & Gold CrossFit.  Head over to the "cardio" room and find yourself a stationary bike.

30 minutes continuous biking

Sustain 85% of your maximum effort.

Wednesday, 10/13/10

Five rounds for time:
7 muscle ups
21 burpees

Post time to comments.

Austin Malleolo on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Tuesday, 10/12/10

Welcome back from the long weekend.  This WOD is the first WOD from the Northwest Regionals for the CrossFit Games for 2010.  Check out this video of Chris Spealler tearing it up!  We scaled the weight a bit and you should scale to your own level for the overhead squats.

3 rounds for time:
10 overhead squats (115/75)
50 double unders

Post time to comments.

Monday, 10/11/10

This is what we will call a no excuses WOD!  You can do this one from anywhere so there are no excuses for not working out on Columbus Day.

"Gotta Tabata"
Tabata push-ups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata squats
Rest 1 minute
Tabata sit-ups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata burpees

Tabata is an interval workout where you work for 20 seconds followed by ten seconds of rest.  Repeat the interval 8 times for a total of 4 minutes.  Your score is the lowest number of reps you complete in any of the eight rounds (i.e. if you complete 14 push-ups in the first seven rounds and 6 push-ups in the eighth round than your score for push-ups is 6).

Post score for each exercise to comments.

Saturday, 10/09/10 - Sunday 10/10/10

Rest days.  Enjoy your long weekend.  Make up a WOD if you missed one during the week.

Friday, 10/08/10


Meet at the River Courts at 0530.

Choose to begin at either the north or south set of pullup bars:

15 x pullups, sprint to the other pullup bar set (200m), 15 x pullups, sprint back to your starting pullup bar set (200m)
15 x dips, sprint to the other dip bar set (200m), 15 x dips, sprint back to your starting dip bar set (200m)
Continue the pattern above and execute the following exercises:
15 x burpees at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)
15 x situps at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)
15 x pushups at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)
15 x air squat at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)

Finish by sprinting to your start point, and try not to puke.

Post time to comments

Thursday, 10/07/10

For weight:

The Health Lift (aka deadlift)
5 sets of 3 reps


Bench press
5 sets of 3 reps

Post weights to comments

Wednesday, 10/06/10

25 Medicine ball cleans (20/14) [wmv] [mov]
Run stairway to heaven
10 burpees

Post rounds complete to comments

Tuesday, 10/05/10

Ten rounds for time:
5 Handstand Pushups
8 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

Post time to comments

Here is a more in-depth video of the kettlebell swing:

Here is good additional information on handstand push-ups:

Monday, 10/04/10

We will meet at Shea Stadium for this WOD. 

The purpose of this WOD is to focus on high intensity interval running.

For time:
400 meters
600 meters
800 meters
600 meters
400 meters

Rest the precise time it took to run each interval before starting the next interval. 

Post time to commets.

Saturday, 10/02/10 - Sunday, 10/03/10

AMRAP in 4 Quarters:
Cheer on the Corps to VICTORY over Temple!
